Cheap Crocea Clams

Deadline hasn't been decided yet, but soon probably tomorrow. I am contacting the company but being west coast I won't know until the afternoon.

I didn't know about the $30, but at almost half the price with no tax or shipping this is a pretty sweet deal. Assuming they have as many as we need.

Probably wouldn't hurt to call Cap Bay and see what we can get if our order is large enough. Maybe they will meet or come close to the price from Jeffs.
high light, croceas are pretty much the most light demanding clams. MH's and or T5s are suggested.
Wei, you don't even have room for the clams. You better give me some of your zoo's and ric's to make room for it. I am only trying to help you out. ;)
kappaknight wrote: Oh, I was gonna get some to eat... you're going to put them in your tanks?

That's an expensive dinner. But I guess when you're a big roller, like yourself, money is no object.
Current List:

JustOneMoreTank - 1 Clam
Maveri9720 - 2 Clams
Showtime305 - 1 Clam Cameron - 1 Clam
Tonester_man - 1 Clam
kjessop - 2 Clams
Big D - 1 Clam

So we have a total of 9 clams and only need 3 more for free shipping.
OK guys I talked to Cap Bay and got them down to $19.99 each if we buy a dozen. These are 3.5" each which are a bit bigger than the 2-3" ones. I personally would rather buy from a sponser but I will go with the majority here. Huge thanks to Mojo for the idea!
I may be interested. Any idea if we would get to choose the color?

I love this hobby, after spending $650 on a chiller, $75 on a fish, whats another $20. The sad thing is that thats just one weeks worth of addition!
If we go with Cap Bay, you go and pick out your clam and pay them at the register. They said they had about 15 in stock so you would choose amongst them. If we go Jeffs, it will work the same. First one to pick theres up would get choice.
Cap Bay is fine with me too. I also would like to support people that support us.

When will this take effect? I need to beat all you other cheap people there to get some nice ones. :tongue2:

How would they know who gets the discount when we come in?
I'm in for 2 croceas at that price. Would be good to get delivered for the meeting (but I'm not sure when that is)

Cap bay is hard for me to get to in any timely manner but I would possibly be interested. It just depend on when.
yeah I'll be in for 1 if its from cap bay at that price. So what do we have to do to get them at that price? Are they going to get a list of our names so they know who gets them at that price?
Alright, so how's this gonna work?

Is someone going to pick up however many clams we have a need for?

Or do you just go there and pick up your own?
I didn't get into all the details since I wasn't sure if we would go this route and I am not an official spokesman of the club. This would need to be a "sanctioned" power buy I believe. I did ask how the members would pay and he said just mention the sale, show your card and pay.
thats actually the best price I've ever seen on clams. Whoo hooo for cap bay comin thu again.