Cheap Crocea Clams

I shot Tony an email so we can see if something more official can be arranged. If not, I will go and buy a dozen from them and everyone can just stop by my house and pick them up. It will be 19.99+tax, but still a great deal and we will be supporting one of our sponsers.
I'ld rather just go and get it from them if you dont mind, alpharetta is a bit from me.
I would prefer that as well since it is easier on me, but for the price I am willing to make some compromises.
I am also OK with meeting up at CapBay and delivering in case we can't get an organized power buy.

BTW, I called and emailed Exotic Fish and haven't heard anything back yet on the stocking levels.
Hey, we still get our 10% discount at Cap Bay for these right?

I'm J/K............:lol2:
Well in typical fashion Tony and Alan are on top of this about as fast as I could send the PM. I am sure a more official announement will be forth coming.

Can I stir some **** up or what?
Here you go!!!
