Christians' 125 Gallon re-Build!!!


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Good morning all! Couldn’t sleep, and my tank rebuild to do list was running through my head, so I decided to get out of bed and start my 125 Gallon rebuild thread!
First a little background. Around February of last year, I bought a used AGA 125 Gallon 72” tank, and an AGA stand. My set-up came with 120 Lbs. of Live Rock, and a 5 Gallon bucket of live sand. Included was a somewhat broken (no more bubble trap) acrylic wet/dry, which I converted into a sump, a Coralife SS 220, and a Danner 18 submersible pump for a return. One stealth heater, and a bucket of salt, and off I went. In total I got the set-up for $1,000.
Since then I have added a few things, like a RO/DI kit to make my own water, filter socks, small stuff…
After my tank cycled, which I am not really sure that it did, but after waiting 2 months (no algae blooms, but no lights either), all my water parameters were good. I added a few fish here and there, and after about 2 months, had a nice little family going…until the last additions of a Hawaiian Black Trigger, and a Queen Angel. Within a week, all of my fish were looking very sickly, and had all died off. My only survivor was my cleaner shrimp, who is now lovingly known as Chuck (Norris).
So my tank has been sitting empty, aside from a few hermits, snails, and Chuck, and I have finally gotten my heart in the right place to try this again.
Here is a picture of my tank now.
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Stand is a bit ugly, and a bit crowded.
So…On to the build!
I have been building a new and slightly prettier stand (if I do say so myself) and have been toiling over the direction I am wanting to take my tank. I think I have settled on a mixed reef, where I maintain some freedom on fish choices, but stop short at aggressive and reef eaters…lol.
Lately several of you may have seen my thread on building my stand, or my ultra annoying weekly threads on which lighting to buy, where I bump my budget up a few hundred bucks every week, and it’s STILL not enough!
First is the stand. I designed my stand to be a bit taller than the stand I currently have, and equipped it with a 4’ access in the front where I will mount 2 doors. The stand is stained oak, and is really the first wood piece I have built since Industrial arts in HS… I hope you like it.
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Currently, the stand is sitting in my garage, waiting for its 3rd coat of gloss white on the inside, and second coat of Spar Poly for the outside. The stand is a good 8 inches taller than my current stand, and the 4’ wide access is going be great! The next phase of my build will focus on my Sump/Refugium build, plumbing, and tank emptying, transfer, and rebuild. I will be asking for input/advice in my next post.
So… My next step for my tank build, is sump/refugium, which I will take pictures of as I build it. I will be using 2 x 20 Gallon tanks, one sump, and one refugium. I also need to plumb the stand, and I will be doing that once I mock-up the sump. I will be using the holes in my overflows to install a Herbie silent drain, and my return will peek over the top of the tank. My tank is right next to my Master BR so I want to quiet down the splashing as much as possible.
The tasks ahead of me…
1 – Remove the LR and transfer it into a holding tank. Then fill the holding tank with my tank water.
Questions -
-<span> </span>What kind of containers (cheap) do you suggest I get for this?
-<span> </span>Can I use my powerheads to circulate the water for a few days?
2 – Pump out and store the rest of my water, so I don’t have to make a ton more.
3 – My sand bed…couple of questions here. Right now it is only about an inch or 2 thick. I was thinking about…
-<span> </span>Washing the sand with fresh
-<span> </span>Putting down eggcrate on the bottom of the tank
-<span> </span>Using crushed coral (I have a 5 Gallon bucket full) for my base, pour it over the eggcrate
-<span> </span>Then topping the coral with my live (now dead) sand
I was thinking I would wash it out, but I do not necessarily need to, can someone give me some guidance here? I was also thinking the crushed coral would bring the level of my sand bed up a tad from the black plastic lip on the tank. This is MOSTLY for aesthetics, can anyone tell me why this may be a bad idea? Or am I good to go there? The eggcrate was just to add some kind of crumple zone to the bottom of the tank, I was thinking that with such a shallow sand bed, a rock fall could be catastrophic. It would also add some stability to the base rock, against burrowing fish, etc. Good or bad idea?
4 – Wash out the tank. While I got it empty, I was thinking about using a vinegar solution, and cleaning the overflows of the dead coralline, that is now white and ugly.
5 – Transfer the tank to the new stand.
6 – Clean my pump, and powerheads.
7 – Attach all of the plumbing.
7 – Add my sand bed, aquascape, and then pump the water back in tank. And ensuring I am water tight, before removing my temporary holding tanks.
What am I missing here, and/or is there anything else you would do differently?
Thanks for all of your input on this!
1. 35 gallon trash bin from Walmart is cheap and practical for holding tank. Just fill it with your old water and put couple of powerheads in there.
2. I wouldn't be too concern about trying to save old water. You already have the water in the 35 gallon trash bin to help with cycling.
3. Rinsing the sand would be a great idea. I don't like the eggcrate because it makes it hard for sand shifting critters to do their job. The only time I see people using eggcrate is when they are going the DSB (deep sand bed). It helps to create a Plenum.
4. Why concern about coralline when it will grow back anyway.
purpleGORILLA;437812 wrote: 1. 35 gallon trash bin from Walmart is cheap and practical for holding tank. Just fill it with your old water and put couple of powerheads in there.

Cool, I plan on getting several. Is that rubbermaid?

2. I wouldn't be too concern about trying to save old water. You already have the water in the 35 gallon trash bin to help with cycling.

Wasnt too concerned about getting a cycle going...more of lugging freshly made salt water up 2 stories...more of a laziness thing TBH.

Rinsing the sand would be a great idea. I don't like the eggcrate because it makes it hard for sand shifting critters to do their job. The only time I see people using eggcrate is when they are going the DSB (deep sand bed). It helps to create a Plenum.

Was going to fill in the eggcrate with the crushed coral, and still have about 1 to 2 inches of sand for the sifters...but if you guys think its not a good idea, ill scrap that...cheaper anyways :)

4. Why concern about coralline when it will grow back anyway.

Just hate the look of the dead ash colored coraline on my overflows. Now that I will have lighting, do you think the coraline will grow back pretty fast? This would also save a step...

Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming all!

OK, so I am kind of stuck right now in my head on a sump/refugium design, and my plumbing. I have 2 x 20 Gallon tanks drilled near the top with bulkheads. I was planning on making one side a refugium, and the other side the drain/return. The refugium would tie into the sump/return side through a plumbing pipe that would tie the 2 bulkheads together. I then thought if I drill both tanks for 2 more bulkheads on the side, and down lower, that the setup would be safer from clog and overflow, especially on the refugium side. Ill go get a picture...hard to explain what I am doing.

OK here is a picture...

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The 2 bulkheads can be used to tie the 2 together, one being a refugium, and one being the drain/return, but the return side would be a tad small. With an ATO however I think it would be fine. Another thing I may need to consider is drilling the sides of the tank near the bottoms, and tieing them together that way. it would be in this kind of configuration...

DT filter sock &gt; Skimmer in same chamber &gt; bubble trap &gt; return &lt;bulkhead to other tank &lt; more return water volume &lt; Bubble trap &lt; Refugium...

I will see if I can draw it out a bit better...


OK os left to right it reads:

Refugium &gt; Additional water volume for return &gt; Return areas connected below water line &gt; Return Pump &lt; Drain in from DT through filter sock and a skimmer.

Is this making sense...and I am sorry for the multiple posts...would love to be able to edit...

You want the return area to be fairly large otherwise you will risk having micro bubbles in your display tank constantly as you are dialing in your Top Off. In additional, the additional water for return will need a baffle or micro filter sock otherwise you will risk having micro bubbles in your display tank.

Hmm...Anyone know where to buy some glass hole cutters and bulkheads locally?

purpleGORILLA;439068 wrote: You want the return area to be fairly large otherwise you will risk having micro bubbles in your display tank constantly as you are dialing in your Top Off. In additional, the additional water for return will need a baffle or micro filter sock otherwise you will risk having micro bubbles in your display tank.


Also, if there is a baffle/bubble trap between the fuge, and the additional water volume for the return, and the additional water area for the return and the return pump chambers are tied together below the waterline, why would I get bubbles?

DrNecropolis;439088 wrote: What size bulkheads ya need?

Not sure Dr. Just need enough flow to connect the 2 tanks together and handle the flow...1.5" ya think?

I really think 1" would do the trick as just needs to be able to handle the flow I will have going to my fuge. I am also thinking that the general concensus is to feed my fuge from a T off my return line, and NOT from my drain line...correct?

any way you can elevate the first container (fuge i guess) a little higher than the sump? I would think if you could do that you could use the bulkhead to just gravity feed the next container and then put your return pump in the lower one. The only thing is you would have to make sure that the fuge drain line never got plugged up with anything.

It shouldn't matter if you T it or not. The same amount of water is going to be pumped up into your tank as falls back into the sump area. I don't c a problem with running a T though.

I have (2) 60mm and (2) 45mm glass hole cutters for sale at 12 bucks each. They are brand new. Bought it a while back and never use it because I end up using acrylic tanks for most of the sumps I have. I also have some bulkheads but I have to check the size once I get home. I think they are 3/4 but not 100% certain.
SnowManSnow;439103 wrote: any way you can elevate the first container (fuge i guess) a little higher than the sump? I would think if you could do that you could use the bulkhead to just gravity feed the next container and then put your return pump in the lower one. The only thing is you would have to make sure that the fuge drain line never got plugged up with anything.

It shouldn't matter if you T it or not. The same amount of water is going to be pumped up into your tank as falls back into the sump area. I don't c a problem with running a T though.


Ahh, I think we have a little bit of a misunderstanding of my plan. The bulkheads you see in the picture...ignore them, as I will be removing them, and patching the holes.

I will be drilling new bulkheads in the sides of the tank facing each other, and almost down to the floor. I will be connecting the tanks via the new bulkheads. Once water from the fuge passes through the bubbletrap, and falls into the addtional water volume section, it will be as if that water IS in the return pump chamber as the 2 chambers will be connected below the waterline, and water seeks its own level.

Leaving the 2 tanks level with eachother actually increases the water volume in the return chamber.

DrNecropolis;439115 wrote: The bulkheads I have are 1.25 I think.. I have 2 floating around if ya want them..

Where is Rockmart DrNecropolis? Trying to determine if it makes more sense to buy locally or pop on out and grab them :)
