Christians' 125 Gallon re-Build!!!


I appreciate the offer but buying locally will probably cost less than the gas...I am in Downtown Atlanta. I really do appreciate the offer tho!

Got ya.. When I mentioned it I was on my BlackBerry so I couldnt see your location LOL..

Atlanta Reef had some last time I was there though..
OK so here is a simple diagram of my plumbing plans...

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I would love to hear your thoughts. Also, would you guys suggest I put in a couple of T's with valves...sort of a manifold incase I want to add filters, reactors, etc, and how many...I assume that would be off of the return line.

So I was looking into a Bean drain system for my 125 RR, and have a question. Since in theory, a full siphon can accomodate a huge amount of drain capacity, is this set-up a possibility.

I have a standard 125 6' Reef ready, with 2 overflows, 2 bulkheads per overflow. So I was thinking using one of the current return bulkheads for the full siphon, the current return in the OTHER bulkhead as the regular dynamic drain, and the 2 current drain lines as the emergency overflows...

Anyone familiar with BeanAnimals design from RC have an opinion on whether or not this would work? My tank is supplied with a Mag-18.


edit, my return lines would be plumbed behind the tank, and would peek over the tank and hang on the back, then would be terminated with the aimable locline returns.
Hi all,

So I took apart my Coralife SS and inspected the needle wheel to see if it was broken etc, seeing as if my skimmer looks NOTHING like when I see video on you tube of some of the more respected brands...

Turns out it was fine and just a cheap POS, so I was wondering, IF you were buying a new skimmer, would you look to Euro-reef or Ocean Force (bubble plate), for around 300 bucks. 125 Gallon tank. Maybe something else? Time for me to start saving up the pennies so I can get a better skimmer!

OK so here is my update for today. My drill bit from gl******* came today, so I was able to work on my sump/refugium project. I still have to install the baffles, but as you can see by the new holes, bulkheads, and spa-flex lines run joining the bottom corners of the tank, that the inside portions of both tanks will be a self leveling return area. I did it this way, as I was able to get the 2 tanks from Tim on the cheap. I also like how it frees up the center of the stand cabinet for growth...reactors, etc, and it really gives me great room to actually get inside the stand for any maintenance I may need to do...PICS!

Yay drilled!
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Right hand side, the tank will be split into a refugium on the far right, and a water volume area for the return pump on the left hand side of the tank, seperated by baffles/bubbletrap...
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Here is the left side. This tank will be a drain from DT/Skimmer section on the left, and the return pump on the right. The 2 sides of this tank will be separated by a bubble trap/baffle section as well...
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View from above...
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And finally in the stand. By the way, the stand WILL be getting a center vertical brace in the back, for additional tank support.
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Thanks for viewing! Next step, baffle/bubble traps!

Oh and btw the top line is just a safety precaution. The holes were already there, so now if something clogs the refugium side bottom line, the tank will fill to the top line, and then dump water into the return sump. Without that backup my refugium could both lines would need to fail simultaneously.

Doing the tank break down, and re-build this weekend. Anyone know the most cost effective way to do the water? i.e. cheap temporary storage...

OK so an update and pictures...

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Now the wait to save funds for cabinet doors....

And here is a shot now that it is noon-ish, of my tank with the halides on...

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Yay, lights finally!

Hi all, I have a quick heat question. I have been running my 250W halides for about 6 hours a day, and have noticed my temperature will increase from about 78.5 to nearly 82. Would raising the hood with a hanging kit instead of leaving it on the mounting legs make a marked difference if we are looking at about an additional 3 inches? If I raise the fixture a bit I could also incorporate a clip on fan.

I guess my question is will an additional 3" and a fan make a big difference?

It would make a difference. I might consider putting two fans under the stand pointed into each tank. Start there and see what happens. This time of year it might be hard to find some clip on fans though. I think it would be more aesthetic under the stand than on top. You might want to invest in a good chiller as well. BTW nice tank.
WILLIAM1;450898 wrote: It would make a difference. I might consider putting two fans under the stand pointed into each tank. Start there and see what happens. This time of year it might be hard to find some clip on fans though. I think it would be more aesthetic under the stand than on top. You might want to invest in a good chiller as well. BTW nice tank.

Thanks WILLIAM1!!! I still need to get that skimmer raised up a bit more, but it seems to be doing an OK job so far. Thanks for your help dialing it in the other day! I cannot see a chiller in my future...unless one popped up for less than $150ish lol.

Here are a few shots of a 24 hour skim. It looks like the skimmer has settled down a tad, and is running pretty dry right now. I may have to raise the water level in the skimmer a tad. Pics.

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Although it pumped out about a half gallon in 24 I said, it looks to have calmed down a bit and is running drier. I will try and raise the skimmer up a few inches over the weekend, but is this looking OK to you guys?

Looking good man! Nice collection container that was quick man. Do you live near by MRC or what? I personally like the fans HD has the black honeywell. Running your skimmerdry isnt bad everyone has there own preference.
WILLIAM1;450927 wrote: Looking good man! Nice collection container that was quick man. Do you live near by MRC or what? I personally like the fans HD has the black honeywell. Running your skimmerdry isnt bad everyone has there own preference.


Chris at AE lives a few miles down the road, and had a used container on sale for $80... I considered my noobness, my hardwood floors, my 4-5 other mini floods with my Coralife SS + milk jug, and it suddenly became a no brainer. lol

Heres the black muck from my skimmer after about 5 days.. Yuk and it stinks.
Cjsparky;450929 wrote: :)

Chris at AE lives a few miles down the road, and had a used container on sale for $80... I considered my noobness, my hardwood floors, my 4-5 other mini floods with my Coralife SS + milk jug, and it suddenly became a no brainer. lol


LOL nice thinking it is a no brainer.