Cleaner Wrasse

linda lee

Active Member
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Anyone have one? Worth having? Effective? Hardy?

LFS says they don't even carry them because "they just die and don't really do anything." But......... that's the LFS talking. Maybe what they really mean is "these fish are relatively inexpensive and not worth taking up space in our inventory."

I'm just getting into researching these, but wondered if anyone here has first-hand experience?

They're supposed to have quiet specific diets with poor survival rates

They can do quite well in an aquarium provided there are enough large fish in there to support their diet. Dave's tank in cumming which was on the tour of tanks had 3 such beautiful wrasses in his 240 gallon tank. They have very small mouths, which are adapted for picking parasites so although his did eat the frozen mysis, which is uncommon for these captive fish, they could only swallow the smallest of pieces at a time. In essence, it can work but not in the average sized aquarium.
On top of that, their removal from the reef is VERY BAD for the overall health of the reefs. It sickens me when I see one in a LFS!
I trhought when I added my six line wrasse in my tank that my clown fish would attack it, as my clown was the only fish in that tank for six months. I introduced the six line and after a warm up period, the six line started cleaning my clown fish, which makes my clown fish twitch in delight. The clown fish often follows the Six line around, begging for more cleaning.

The six line wrasse also helps keep bristleworms at bay, as I've not seen a bristle worm since I introduced the six line a couple of months ago.

My point is, a six line wrasse can do the function of a cleaner wrasse, is MUCH, MUCH more (Uber) hardy, and helps to keep cleaner wrasses on the reef where they can thrive and proper.
I have a 6-line working on a *small* flatworm issue I have. Anyone have any experience with those working? By small, I mean I have a small problem if you consider the number of flatworms in my tank relative to the atlantic ocean. Ya - I got a few.... :(
Before my Six Line, I always could spot a worm tail, hanging out of the rock whenever I looked at my tank. Sometimes two or three. Since I put the wrasse in, I've not seen one.

My wrasses belly REALLY expands when I feed him, several times I've noticed a bloated belly on him BEFORE I feed the tank....

He does a great job, now I have to ask..... What has that clown done for me lately?
Speaking of making stupid mistakes (see my first post, this thread) I bought a new brand of chlorine remover today. Thought the numbers on the cap ment the fill line for gallons treated.

No, it just meant Milliliters of product.....

I overdosed my tank quadurple what I wanted to dose it. My skimmer was foaming so bad it was like doing a slow water change via the Aqua C Remora, I had to unplug it....

After 20 yesrs, stupid stuff STILL happens, so be prepared!
Duh, to take care of the chlorine in the top off water I poured in the tank, and forgot to treat BEFORE I put it in the tank.......

Actually, to much chlorine remover in my tank was my second mistake today, but wasn't going to mention it......

Yet, somehow, they keep living!
Uh......... Yeah, I do not use RO/DI.....

Yes, I know.

Loren tested my TDS when he was here it registered 80 or so...

I dont have the space to store water and refuse to buy it. I do run it though a water purifier, but thats as far as I'm taking it.

I dont particularly like SPS, or most of the LPS for that matter, in fact, so far my favorites are my mushrooms. Lack of very sensitive corals I suppose make it possible. I just never jumped on board when the whole RO/DI thing took off in the mid-late 90's (maybe earlier, as I took a 4 year hiatus around that time) I was of the thought "why pay for water?". Now it's more of a matter of space than anything else.

I dont think my tank is suffering because of it, you've seen it, it's in good shape for what it is.

I break a lot of rules, but it works because my tank is a managable enough size that I can keep up with the maintaince on it, least thats my story.
Your tank is absolutely pristine!!! I LOVE your tank and have envied it from the first time I laid eyes on it.

(Don't go out of town and leave your door unlocked. And if you leave a dolly and a U-Haul in your driveway, well... that would be even better... ummm... I mean worse.)


Dakota9;64319 wrote: Uh......... Yeah, I do not use RO/DI.....

Yes, I know.

Loren tested my TDS when he was here it registered 80 or so...

I dont have the space to store water and refuse to buy it. I do run it though a water purifier, but thats as far as I'm taking it.

I dont particularly like SPS, or most of the LPS for that matter, in fact, so far my favorites are my mushrooms. Lack of very sensitive corals I suppose make it possible. I just never jumped on board when the whole RO/DI thing took off in the mid-late 90's (maybe earlier, as I took a 4 year hiatus around that time) I was of the thought "why pay for water?". Now it's more of a matter of space than anything else.

I dont think my tank is suffering because of it, you've seen it, it's in good shape for what it is.

I break a lot of rules, but it works because my tank is a managable enough size that I can keep up with the maintaince on it, least thats my story.
Thank you Linda, that's so nice of you to say, you'll have to come over and see the new tank once I make the switch.......

Or even help with the switch if you'd like (I'll never rope anyone into this one, LOL)

I keep meaning to post pics of the refugium I've been working on, it will stand beside the new tank when its finished.

Loren mentioned that your tank has really bloomed into something very nice. You should post some pics of it.

Thanks again for the high praises!
Dakota9;64327 wrote: Thank you Linda, that's so nice of you to say, you'll have to come over and see the new tank once I make the switch.......

Or even help with the switch if you'd like (I'll never rope anyone into this one, LOL)

I'd love to help ~ it would be a great learning experience for me (kind of like a workshop).

Do it during my non-working hours and you've got yourself an assistant!

Wow, I may take you up on that!

It's going to be a tough switch-over. Between breaking down the old tank and placing the new one, looks like I'll have to do a quick retro fit to my stand, but hopfully I'll have everything precut and ready to go.

I've not done a switch over in tanks in a long time, but have had to drain the tank for various reasons, so I'll make it as organised as possible. I'm thinking a time limit of two hours is achievable.

Thanks again for the offer...... Tell Loren that theres beer in the fridge and maybe you can rope him into coming too.
Dakota9;64395 wrote: Tell Loren that theres beer in the fridge and maybe you can rope him into coming too.

If that beer is Fosters, you may have a deal.

Dakota9;64400 wrote: Can or bottle?

I'll put it on the shopping list

bottle ... and put a couple of mugs in the freezer (we always keep some mugs frosted)


When are you going to do this? (I'm serious, ya know)