cleaner wrasse

dawgdude;142712 wrote: Mine is fat and happy because I have two clowns, two tangs, two angels, a diamond goby, midas blenny and royal gramma that ALL line up to get cleaned by him. Before Jeremy and the other people hate me more than they already do, I got mine because the tank it was going into did not have other fish to clean until the other, larger tank was set up at the store and we were worried about it not having its natural food source (cleaning other fish) so I took it home. As far as getting them to eat, all of the ones I saw come into the store (the person who did orders before I took over loved to order them) and we would get about 1 in 8 that wouldnt eat frozen foods. I would ONLY suggest this guy on a tank if you turn OFF your UV and dont run Ozone. I turned both off on my tank when I put my little guy in. Hes also extremely smart because he is the first to come up when I pick up the food container.

Oh man, I hate you!:lol2: Just kidding. Like I said, Im sure you have success if you say so. I dont doubt that. I personally dont believe it possible to have a fish that has adaptd over millions of years to eat fish slime suddenly</em> realize it can eat prepared foods and be just as healthy and thrive, but what the ehck do I know. My point is simply this- even the rare success does not mandate suggesting this fish as an good candidate, because the failure rate is so ridiculously high. And if the main purpose is for disease control, this is a poor decisding factor, because they wont directly help.
jmaneyapanda;142730 wrote: Oh man, I hate you!:lol2: Just kidding. Like I said, Im sure you have success if you say so. I dont doubt that. I personally dont believe it possible to have a fish that has adaptd over millions of years to eat fish slime suddenly</em> realize it can eat prepared foods and be just as healthy and thrive, but what the ehck do I know. My point is simply this- even the rare success does not mandate suggesting this fish as an good candidate, because the failure rate is so ridiculously high. And if the main purpose is for disease control, this is a poor decisding factor, because they wont directly help.
......**** as much as I hate to I totally agree with you ...if you have to put a had to keep fish in a tank to combat a ick need to take a harder look as to why you have the problem to start with..I have never seen one last very long an I wont even order for the n.goby...that is a great little fish cleaner ..
not really battleing it just wsnt to help my fish friends when they do get ich like now that just had an out break but am going to try the goby hoefuly he dont become someones lunch
dawgdude;142751 wrote: Victor is it just ich your battling? Might want to look into ozone. Although there are nay sayers for that as well since it kills beneficial things as well.

Youre gonna hate me, because its gonna sound like Im picking on you, but most reefers dont inject NEARLY enough ozone to get the necessary exposure to kill pathogens. Big marine ammmals systems at public aquariums do, and the water absiolutely reaks of ozone, and the ORP is like 700, but they cant keep a live fish or invert in there, just the marine mammals.
dawgdude;142768 wrote: Hmm wasnt aware of that. And no i dont think your picking, your one of the few people I will listen to....haha from time to time ;). So what does ORP of around 400 do besides make the water clearer?

Thats about it. And maybe give you cataracts.

Actually, Having an ORP of 400 doesnt say anything about the amount of ozone. ORP is a measure of water "cleanliness" for lack of a better term. Technically, it is the oxidative reduction potential (ORP). People who dont use ozone can have a very high ORP. But, ozone is an easier way to elevate it.
i was thinking of running ozone in my tank but i have a baby in my house and rather not risk it ......maybe if my tank was alot bigger ..i see the point about the wrasse and it is not fair for it to be in the tank to just die .....i guess i was hopeing for a diffrent answer ill give a neon a try i like them just hope they dont get lost in the tank......and ill probably add some more cleaner shrimp ......i also believe if i do more frequent water changes i should cut my out breaks to a min ....what i dont understand is why i am still getting them all my fish are happy fat and eating well ....guess it might be my water quality...