Closest Ocean? Tired of making WATER!


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OMGosh I am tired of making water. After 2 days the new 150 is only half full. :(
Savanah is only 4 hours! HAHA that must be annoying! Why not go buy some RO water from a LFS and just mix it your self? But just think of good it will look once it is filled
Can't dip water anywhere near the coast though. I wouldnt even trust water dipped 100 miles offshore without suspecting contaminants.

Just bite the bullet and get a bigger unit.
Just get a second membrane and hook it to the waste water from the first one, or a booster pump, or run it off your hot water instead of cold, or any combination.
I thought about buying some RO water from a LFS but from past experience with doing this (the store is now closed) I will not. The TDS from the LFS water measured almost the same as out of my tap....
Darren24;305286 wrote: I thought about buying some RO water from a LFS but from past experience with doing this (the store is now closed) I will not. The TDS from the LFS water measured almost the same as out of my tap....

We have extra if you want some, but ours is measuring 4ppm. Hoping the new filters arrive soon!
I ordered the"> "ocean reef miser" </a> from the the filter guys, and it puts out 150 gpd.

Since it uses 2 RO membranes, you get much more RO water from your tap water with less waste water (so it's good for Lake Lanier ) and it pumps out water pretty quickly (so it's good for my patience). They have a conversion kit to add a second RO membrane to your RO/DI system, and were very good to work with.
Darren24;305266 wrote: OMGosh I am tired of making water. After 2 days the new 150 is only half full. :(

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman"><span style="font-size: 13px">Just get a few buckets and a long hose. Go down to the Aquarium throw the hose over the wall and siphon a few! :D </span></span>
Thanks folks. Just venting. I have a nice RODI (Typhoon 3). I just under estimated how long it was going to take to make all of this water. :) I get impatient.
I ran my RO/DI for three days to make up enough water to fill everything in mine recently. Unfortunately, I don't yet have a big reservoir, so I had to keep swapping out 5 gallon jugs! Don't forget to add for your sump as well! And take my advice, start heating that new water up pronto! :) It took me hours to get everything up to temp on moving day and I was up until around 4 am waiting.
Booster pump is about your only real solution. You'd be amazed at how much more your RO filter can produce when running at 80+ psi.
Thanks folks. Not expecting much of a cycle. Over the last few weeks I have had the live rock (it was live from another persons tank) in a tub with heater, light, pump etc. When I did water changes on my display I would take the old tank water and put it in with the LR. As I am making new saltwater I am putting some of the new water in my current display and using the water change water from the display to fill up the new tank.
canesfins;335000 wrote: Makes me feel lucky in the Bahamas, get my water from my back yard, sand from across the street and rock and coral and fish from a afternoon snorkel.

That will also land you in jail. It is illegal to collect rock and certain corals from the caribbean.
Don't agree with this being ok either. Water and macro that washes up on shore, empty shells for your hermits sure, but the coral and rock from diving is a little dirty. I know a few guys with collector permits and they too take advantage of their boundaries. Be mature so that we can pass our hobby along
canesfins;335000 wrote: Makes me feel lucky in the Bahamas, get my water from my back yard, sand from across the street and rock and coral and fish from a afternoon snorkel.
You're right, just get tired of things getting taken advantage of and ruined. Ex- the collection of items not the reef being wiped out itself. Certain items are allowed to be collected by certain divers and at a specific number per year varying abundance. Helps keep thing in check.
ares;335053 wrote: kinda doubting he's going to destroy the worlds reefs all by himself. I know what your saying, just wouldnt nail him to the cross.

as if a permit and paying a middleman changes the net effect? he could walk to his local fish store and buy the same thing for $$$, just caught by a diver with a permit.

unless you exclusively buy tank raised everything.
ares;335053 wrote: kinda doubting he's going to destroy the worlds reefs all by himself. I know what your saying, just wouldnt nail him to the cross.

as if a permit and paying a middleman changes the net effect? he could walk to his local fish store and buy the same thing for $$$, just caught by a diver with a permit.

unless you exclusively buy tank raised everything.

So, because, hes just one person, he doesnt have to be accountable or follow the laws? Thats a a bad excuse. Laws and regulations are put in place for a reason. They SHOULD be applied universally. You are right, he shouldnt be crucified, but he should be criticized, and he should be informed, and he should stop doing this.