Club system design...


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<span style="font-size: 13px;"><span style="font-family: Calibri;">I ordered my new tank from Aquarium Obsessed, and I’d like to make the design a club function… What do I mean??? I want to get a consensus on several things and build it… well your way… </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">This design will go in several phases, starting with tank design or to be more specific hole and flow design. Then we will decide on lights, and equipment. </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Interested???</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> </span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri;"><span style="font-size: 13px;">Here we go…</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px">Tank basics:</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px">The tank will be 60”x36”x26” with Starfire front and sides. It will have an external overflow and a eurobraced top with on cross-braces. The back and inside the overflow will be painted black and black silicone will be used throughout.</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Calibri"><span style="font-size: 13px">Before commenting on what you would do for flow; understand that I can have as many holes drilled as I want, or I can have no holes drilled…</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 13px"><span style="font-family: Calibri">So with that said, what would you do for flow? </span></span>
Tunze Streams. Go with 4 -6105's and multicontroller. They will have a new multicontroller coming out soon that has Storm Modes and several other cool options.
So you would give up the clean look of closed loop for the randomness of Tunze? What about Vortec, and what about the return?
I like the cleanliness of closed loops much better. Two things I don't like, excessive holes in the tank ,and efficiency of a closed loop to get decent flow. I bought an OM 4way and a closed loop pump for my 600 and decided to sell it. Reasons being Dart Pump 3600gph @ 140watts vs. Tunze 12000+ gph @ 60watts. Plus no worries about leaking bulkheads.

Do I have to look at ugly powerheads in the tank? Yes, but I am hoping that the Bright corals and fish make you forget all about them.

You going to be keeping SPS right?
<span style="color: black">Oops... I guess I should have stated that... Yes the tank is going to be for SPS, but I will likely have a few non-SPS in there, but they will likely be down low and in low light areas... I don't mind doing Tunzes, heck I've used them before. I even have a pair of Tunze wave boxes right now that I could use, but the reason I went with an external overflow was the clean look and adding Tunzes seems to be going in the wrong directions... However, if that is what the club comes up with that is what I'll go with... Oh on a side note, I too have a 4 way Oceans motions with a Dart... LOL</span>
What a about a Carlson Surge Device?

I say like 3 or 4 vortechs for flow since those things are just so cool!
James S.;260774 wrote: Tunze Streams. Go with 4 -6105's and multicontroller. They will have a new multicontroller coming out soon that has Storm Modes and several other cool options.

+1 on 4 6105s. I had two in my 210 SPS reef and it was not enough. I have three now and am waiting on my 4th as soon as more trickle into the US.

Another option would be to order two 6205s (about 2x flow of the 6105s), but with that you lose out on the ability to have 4 sources of adjustable flow vs just two. I'd rather have 4 6105s vs two 6205s.

Regarding the 7095 multi vs the to be released 7096, this is from the RC Tunze Forum

"The 7096 has just about every feature of the 7095, the only feature lost is the Interval can only be as fast as 1min, on the 7095 1sec is possible. This was a compromise to keep the interface simple. Added features are below:

Moonlight is now 3* more candella, for all practical purposes it appears twice as bright.
"Storm Mode" has been added, every 1-7 days (user setting) the main program is overridden and the pumps all run in a random chaos mode for about an hour to clean up debris.

Food timer duration is programmable.

"Wavebox mode" with auto tuning. 2 channels can run a wavebox and there is a seek feature where it just slowly advances the timing and you hit stop once a wave is created.

The controller is pretty much ready, the only bug we have to work out is with Windows, right now it has trouble with the COM ports and this must be manually assigned 80% of the time, this has to be solved."
I didn't really see it being much better besides the storm mode and the wavebox feature. Given my choice I'd take the 7095 I own now because the adjustments are right there on the controller. Most adjustments on the 7096 need to be made with the 7095 connected to a computer. But the 7095 is supposed to be about $100 less then the 7095

You will need 4 Tunzes; no way will 2 cut it for you. Don't bother waiting on the 7096. I just spoke with Roger a few days ago and he told me they are having a lot of issues with programming. The said they are no where near finished with the Mac programming. He indicated quite a long delay in shipment.

When I re-do my tank, I'm going to incorporate a CL, Tunzes AND Vortechs.

I don't think the vortechs are more intrusive since they stick out on the outside of the tank and have a wire that you must run externally, but I already have one!

The new Tunzes are smaller than the one's we initially bought, so that's a huge plus.
theplatypus;260841 wrote: What a about a Carlson Surge Device?"></a>[/QUOTE]

<span style="color: black">I looked over it, and there are a couple of things I don't like... 1. It’s noisy. 2. It isn't pretty (according to the author) and 3. I will not have 4' of height over the tank... at least I don't want my canopy 4' tall... </span>
<span style="color: black"> </span>
<span style="color: black">It does seem like a good idea, if you had an attic you could put the bucket it, or if it were an in-wall tank.</span>
<span style="color: black"> </span>
<span style="color: black">Thanks,</span>
<span style="color: black"> </span>
<span style="color: black">Shane</span>
i would use the tunze wave boxes because you already have them and you and make them look good.
1) make an egg crate shell for the box
2) apply the pond foam
3) cover it with epoxy
4) find a way to make the shell stick to the wavebox.
there you go, an unobtrusive wavebox.
James S.;260774 wrote: Tunze Streams. Go with 4 -6105's and multicontroller. They will have a new multicontroller coming out soon that has Storm Modes and several other cool options.

Any info/link on this James? I am very curious.

Nevermind, read th rest of the thread.
<span style="color: black">Time to clarify a few more things... The tank will not be in-wall, and will be viewable from 3 sides (front and two sides). When I have the stand built (any suggestions on builders???) I will have a piece of wood that will cover the gap left between the wall and the tank due to the external overflow. </span>
<span style="color: black"> </span>
<span style="color: black">ARES - I think that if I went with Tunzes 4 would be needed... at least with 6105s with a flow rate of 792 - 3,434 gph at max flow 4 would give me about 56 times an hour. But the 4 streams will never be all running full blast at the same time... More than likely the best one could hope for is to have any 2 running at full blast at any given time... basically giving me an effective "turnover" of ~28 times an hour plus the return ~2000 gph gives me a total of ~36 times an hour... Honestly... I'd like to be more in the 50 times an hour turn over, but the 36 might work...</span>
I run two 6200s and two 6100s on my 210. Sometimes I want to add more. There cant be too much flow.
Skriz;260946 wrote: You will need 4 Tunzes; no way will 2 cut it for you. Don't bother waiting on the 7096. I just spoke with Roger a few days ago and he told me they are having a lot of issues with programming. The said they are no where near finished with the Mac programming. He indicated quite a long delay in shipment.

When I re-do my tank, I'm going to incorporate a CL, Tunzes AND Vortechs.

I don't think the vortechs are more intrusive since they stick out on the outside of the tank and have a wire that you must run externally, but I already have one!

The new Tunzes are smaller than the one's we initially bought, so that's a huge plus.

<span style="color: black">So why the combo of Tunze, Vortecs and CL??? Is this because you already have most of it, or for more specific reasons?? When I was first thinking up this tank I was thinking of a combo of CL (with 4 way or squid) and Tunzes or Vortecs... I think the Vortecs look better and are smaller... So I really wonder why everyone likes the Tunzes better... is it simple because of the Reliability, or because they are familiar and everyone is used to them...</span>
blind1993;260960 wrote: i would use the tunze wave boxes because you already have them and you and make them look good.
1) make an egg crate shell for the box
2) apply the pond foam
3) cover it with epoxy
4) find a way to make the shell stick to the wavebox.
there you go, an unobtrusive wavebox.

<span style="color: black">I'm not crazy about the waveboxes and was actually thinking about selling them (to pay for Tunzes)... The only way I would use them would be to incorporate them into my overflow (like on my big tank). The problem is with the relatively short height of the tank, I really don't want to see the wave, so my canopy would have to hang over the top a lot, and affectively shorten the viewable area... </span>
You don't have to run a wave with the waveboxes. I won't be on my 600. I like the motion they produce with the corals,and also the amount of flow that they generate from the pulsing.
If you do a CL the right way IMO its the best way to go. If its done right you dont have to worry about leaks. As far as dead spots use loc line and twist them around every now and then. Way cleaner and way cheaper. How much did your new tank cost if you dont mind. I will be in the market for a 300g so i was just wondering. Congrats on your new tank :thumbs:
James S.;261000 wrote: You don't have to run a wave with the waveboxes. I won't be on my 600. I like the motion they produce with the corals,and also the amount of flow that they generate from the pulsing.

I do want to add that if you are not using the waveboxes externally then there is no way I would use them. They are HUGE and an eyesore. It really depends on what you want. If you are not concerned with the electrical consumption then do a closed loop.