Club system design...

I am running two 6101's as well on my 125. I have to run the flow 30-40% or my corals go flying around the tank. Im glad my tank is barebottom, I coudn't imagine the mess it would be making. The crabs get blown around the bottom of the tank when they try to walk,its kind of funny.

I have the perfect suggestion for lighting as well......ATI 60" 10x80 watt Powermodule.... Man that would look great on this tank!!!!!!

Harleyguy;260972 wrote: <span style="color: black">So why the combo of Tunze, Vortecs and CL??? Is this because you already have most of it, or for more specific reasons?? When I was first thinking up this tank I was thinking of a combo of CL (with 4 way or squid) and Tunzes or Vortecs... I think the Vortecs look better and are smaller... So I really wonder why everyone likes the Tunzes better... is it simple because of the Reliability, or because they are familiar and everyone is used to them...</span>

I like the Tunzes better than vortech because you can point them to whatever direction you want. The vortechs will only install in one direction and can't rotate to any angle. This makes the Tunzes much more powerful and versitaile in their use.

I'm going to use a combo of the three since I already have Tunzes and a Vortech. If I didn't have the Vortech already, I would go with the new Tunzes; they're a little larger than the 60XX series (6025, etc.)
<span style="color: black">What do you guys think of a combo type system...? I have to have a hole for return (obviously), so why not go ahead and have 4 and run a 4 way (that I already have). Then I was thinking of a "small" closed loop using a MAG 24 (that I already own) this would be for a matrix of piping behind the rockwork using LocLine to direct flow. Then on top of that I would add 4 6105s. The return will be from a Dart, but it has to push about 10" of head so I figure the best I could hope for would be about 2000 gph (probably less) and the Mag 24 would give me about 2000 gph, but because it will be broken up so much (probably around 10-12 outputs) it will likely be less as well. Then add the 4 Tunzes and... Well I don't think flow would be a problem....</span>
James S.;261074 wrote: I am running two 6101's as well on my 125. I have to run the flow 30-40% or my corals go flying around the tank. Im glad my tank is barebottom, I coudn't imagine the mess it would be making. The crabs get blown around the bottom of the tank when they try to walk,its kind of funny.

I have the perfect suggestion for lighting as well......ATI 60" 10x80 watt Powermodule.... Man that would look great on this tank!!!!!!!_Bulbs_by_ATI">!_Bulbs_by_ATI</a>[/QUOTE]

<span style="color: black">That is a very interesting idea... I'm just not 100% convened that T5s will be strong enough for a tank 26" deep... The last thing I want is to have not enough light... and at ~$1500 I'm not sure I'm willing to take that risk... Also that fixture is only 21" wide, so I would really need to use the 10x80W and the 6X80W to fully cover the tank... So I ask... Would you do both of those two fixtures... or go with 3x250W MHs and 6X80W T5s (1230 Watts total) or 16X80 (1280 Watts total)... The 250s with T5's will cost me about $1400 and the Full T5 system will cost about $2500...</span>
What do you guys think of this"></a>
It's a great price and I could add 6x80W T5s...
You guys really think that 4 tunzes would be too much?? I think you are really underestimating the importance and necessity of water movement. If any of my fish swim near the tunzes, they near get blown over, but they are ALWAYS swimming into them/against them. Corlas RELY on water movement. But to each, their own. If anyone wants to make the trek, you are more than welcome to come and see what 2 X6200 and 2X6100 flow looks like.
Another reason I want to keep the vortech on is the battery backup. I like the security of something keeping my tak alive.
Another reason I want to keep the vortech on is the battery backup. I like the security of something keeping my tank alive.
Skriz;261162 wrote: Another reason I want to keep the vortech on is the battery backup. I like the security of something keeping my tank alive.

Tunze can be run off a UPS for a computer since they are low voltage, and very low power draw. I can run all four of mine for almost 10 hours of the UPS I chave.
OK so I took several ideas, and came up with this first drawing... The Tunzes ane not to scale, but you get the idea...

alt="" />

What do you think???


<span style="color: black">Also, what did you guys think of the light that I mentioned a few posts ago... At least as a starter point... I would add 80W T5s as a supplementation...</span>
Skriz;261161 wrote: Another reason I want to keep the vortech on is the battery backup. I like the security of something keeping my tak alive.

You know you can do battery backup on the Tunze now right? Or you can use a UPS like Jeremy mentioned.
Harleyguy;261136 wrote: What do you guys think of this"></a>
It's a great price and I could add 6x80W T5s...[/QUOTE]

Me personally, I think you could get by with just the one 10x80 ATI fixture that I mentioned. 26" height is no problem with T5's I can assure you that.

FWIW, I am only going to be running two 8 lamp Tek lights on my 600. Those fixtures are only 19" wide and my tank is 48" front to back. Just takes some creative aquascaping.
Harleyguy;261424 wrote:
What do you think???


<span style="color: black">Also, what did you guys think of the light that I mentioned a few posts ago... At least as a starter point... I would add 80W T5s as a supplementation...</span>

Well you seem pretty settled on using the OM 4 way, but I would skip the holes in the tank and run just the Tunze. I would not drill holes for the returns either, instead just run them over the top into the back corners. I couldn't sleep at night with any holes in the back of my tank.
James S.;261430 wrote: You know you can do battery backup on the Tunze now right? Or you can use a UPS like Jeremy mentioned.

Yep, but I already own the Vortech!

Shane, I don't think you can ever really have too much flow. The more flow, the better.
Skriz;261447 wrote: Yep, but I already own the Vortech!

Shane, I don't think you can ever really have too much flow. The more flow, the better.

I tend to agree, and as for the holes in the tank... well, I've never had a problem having them either... Everyone has holes in their tank, if you have an overflow that is. So what's another one or six holes... I figure I have to get the return back into the tank, and to me having holes drilled is just so clean, all you really see is a bulkhead. As for the closed loop... My thought there was really one of housekeeping... That closed loop would pump water all over the back side of my rocks keeping them clean, it would also add "wild" currents... I mey decide not to do it, or I might decide to use something other than the MAG 24 I have. I'm sure I can find something out there that is more power effeciant... I might end up using another Dart.

I will run a Battery Back up with the Tunzes... just in case...
<span style="color: black">I was also just thinking... What do you guys think of me using a 1"Squid for the return instead of the 4 Way? Or would you just say Screw it and go with the 4 Way... I have both by the way... Another option would be to not do the closed loop but still do my return where the return is on my drawing for the closed loop. Then the return would clean the back of my rocks and the Tunzes would be for water movement. I could also do a squid with one return low (behind the rocks) and the other return split and coming out one on each side of the tank... Thoughts???</span>
Harleyguy;261475 wrote: I tend to agree, and as for the holes in the tank... well, I've never had a problem having them either... Everyone has holes in their tank, if you have an overflow that is. So what's another one or six holes... I figure I have to get the return back into the tank, and to me having holes drilled is just so clean, all you really see is a bulkhead. As for the closed loop... My thought there was really one of housekeeping... That closed loop would pump water all over the back side of my rocks keeping them clean, it would also add "wild" currents... I mey decide not to do it, or I might decide to use something other than the MAG 24 I have. I'm sure I can find something out there that is more power effeciant... I might end up using another Dart.

I will run a Battery Back up with the Tunzes... just in case...

Yeah but overflows are not 6" from the bottom of the tank. Only an inch or two drains if they leak. But if you feel safe with it,then that is all that matters.