Copper Banded Butterfly vs. Yellow Tang


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Just added Copper Banded Butterfly to my 125g yesterday....acclimated and eating ok...just that yellow tang will not leave him alone unless he is hunkered down in the rocks. Everytime he comes by him the tang chases....

I figured he was just establishing dominance and it might subside...I am a little squirrelly seeing it is a Butterfly and them being hard to keep already.

Your cbb is going to die. The yt won't stop until the cbb is dead. This is VERY common. You would've saved yourself the hassle had you posted before hand.
I did research site and most were about acclimation and getting them to eat...several have posted having yellow tangs + CBB together in a tank?
Here is what I did when I added the CBB into my tank with yellow, purple and powder blue tangs. It was harrassing my CBB to the point I was sure that it will die the next day. So I immediately printed 10-15 pictures of Yellow Tang, Powder Blue Tangs and Purpletang. Make sure the pictures are about the same sizes as the fish. I taped these all over the tank (will be ugly but effective). The harrassements stopped. My CBB ended up living happilly with the rest of the bullies.

After 4-5 days, I slowly take a pic down. It will look funny with bunch of pictures all over the tank, but it saved my CBB. Since then, I have done that to any fish I added. Helps to do it at night.
Thanks guys...printer is loading up now!!!!

I have tried to catch the YT with no luck....I have a XL Flamingi that is the mother hen a real sweetheart...she is trying to protect the Butterfly...but the YT is relentless...the butterfly is still in good spirits...when he is able to stick his head out he picks at the LR and continues to eat I don't think he is beyond saving....appreciate all the encouragement.
I should add a little more detail also.

1. Make sure it is a color printer :D
2. I would print more of which ever fish that is doing the MOST Harrassments. (i.e. yellow tang) than the other. Basically I printed others just to throw them off.
Amazing...Mr Bully is now jello....CBB...has 15 friends as backup....this is halarious...completely has forgot about the CBB...might need lifesupport in a couple days for the YT.

I think I hear Ebony and Ivory playing in the background...check the second photo...YT is is now the underdog.
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7 yellows...4 purples and 5 my tank will never hold up to this
This is amazing YT has not chased him once since adding photos....CBB is out and nipping on LR....hope this holds.
One thing I have noticed...definitely responds more to agressive photos....fins up gets attention...also strategically placing at rock exits and entries where the chases were begining and ending has him thinking twice with a big boy standing watch.

YT has even left the little damsels alone...they have been to together for 4+ months and he is so distracted...he can't keep his eyes off the photos. He will not turn his backside to them.
When I saw that title, I thought the cbb was difinite toast! Great job of dodging that bullet for now.
Wow! I thought the CBB was toast too.

This is one thing I always read about trying but never thought it actually worked. I'm definately going to remember this one.
I used this method when introducing my PBT, but NEVER thought it would come close to working with the CBB. I really hope this does work for you. Good luck!
Glad it is working out. How is the copperband doing accepting food? I have seen mysis stuffed into a shell or baby food jar work to insure it isn't out competed
As of this am feeding...he is out and they are accepting him.

Four Mysis shrimp down!

He looks much better his breathing is normal. The YT does address him when he comes near but doesn't do a full out chase or any tail whips.

That is a good idea to put some shrimp into a shell.

Thanks to all. Especially Purple Gorilla.
Tagging along as well. Interesting idea. Keep us posted as the photos are slowly taken away.
Your CBB should be fine. I did exactly the same thing a few months ago adding a CBB to my 125 with a YT and a Sailfin Tang. I was very concerned the CBB would not make it -- yet it did.

My CBB now goes anywhere it likes with no hassle. Every now and then it gets chased -- but it's faster and can dart into places the tangs can't go.

They are all well fed which reduces the competition for food.

I love my CBB and I have NO apitasia (sp).
