Copper Banded Butterfly vs. Yellow Tang

Update...Day 3 CBB is eating heartily and traveling at will....a couple of interesting facts to add to post:

- When the agressor (YT) started up again I untaped the bottom of several the photos and put an occilating fan in the you see another tang now you don't....really put him in hiding for several hours and the concentration on the CBB went way down..

- Per other recommendations I added a shell packed full of Mysis...all tank inhabitants went nuts trying to find out where the meal was coming from...tang went back on offense and started harassing...had to remove.

- Best approach is to start this "therapy" early prior to the submissive fish getting too stressed; move photo locations around and add occilating fan to keep agressor guessing..has worked like a charm so far.
Update: CBB is doing great...a couple of weeks have passed and all photos are down. Tang has embraced CBB...that might be overdoing it a bit....He accepts his presence now.

Thanks to all that posted...especially Purple Gorilla....hopefully this thread will help others and keep a newly introduced tankmate from being needlessly threatened and ultimately killed.
I have heard of it working....just make sure the pictures are of the dominate fish.
I can tell you that obviously my YT was the established/dominant fish and the CBB was about half the size so it could work...with a smaller fish.

More like sized would probably reduce the stress and increase results, however.

My CBB ended up with a small case of ich that a cleaner wrasse took care of in short order., I have two Ocellaris (orange) and got a mated pair Black. They orange have nipped and ran the black off and on since I got them. Now....the male black is in one overflow and the female is in the overflow (their choice). I'm planning on fishing them out next weekend. Was worried that the fighting would kick off again.....has anyone tried this with Clown fish? Because it seems that the orange would take "spells" at running and nipping the black clowns.....can't figure out what would set off the situation.

Has anyone tried something similar with Clowns?

BTW....GREAT thread.
Very cool idea!! I'm glad to hear it worked out. When I read the first couple of posts, I thought for sure your cbb was going to be a goner!!
This has to be one of my favorite threads for golden nuggets of information. Very cool! Thanks for the tips, and gorilla, if I ever meet you, I'm buying you a beer for the suggestion :cheers:
why does the dominate fish back down when multiple "dominate images" are put up?

I would have thought that in order to get the dominate to calm down you would have to put up more pictures of the submissive fish..
I'm not sure I can explain the "science"; however, based on my experience it is a combination of the dominant fish being concerned about a threat and also seeing other not chasing and ultimately accepting.