CoraLife Light fixture Wiring

scuba steve

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Ok, so I have the following light fixture:

36" Coralife Aqualight Pro Metal Halide Aquarium Light Fixture
1X 250W HQI
2X 65W Compact Fluorescents
2x Blue Moon Glow LEDs

The power-compacts stopped working earlier this week, may just need new bulbs which I'm going to try to buy later today. But when I opened up the fixture I found out that a wire for the metal halide bulb had come free. I'm not sure where to put it back, there are only 3 ports to stick it back into, each has a wire already in it and none of them seem loose. The wierd thing is that even without this wire connected, the MH will still come on like it's warming up it just never reaches full power.

Anybody know where it goes or have a similar light that they could open up and see how it's wired?

Sorry the pictures are blurry, my dog got a hold of my camera and now it only sorta works...

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More info: I saw this light today, and the loose wire is originating at the RH end of the MH bulb. The other large gauge white wire is from the opposite end, and connects to that mint green relay on the left at the center terminal.

If Steve hasn't gotten any help when I return later today I'm gonna crack open a light and see if it helps with any clues.
So the update is that the loose wire from the righthand side of the MH bulb piggybacks with the small guage white wire on the far left terminal. Big thanks to Marine Fish & More for figuring that out and hooking me up with a sweet deal on the ballast for the power compacts!