Good news ans bad news folks!
Good news is I got my Bluefish. The bad news is when firing the whole thing up I made a very critical error, and almost hate to even admit it publicly lol. Because I use standard power cables as my quick disconnects (which was a pretty **** good idea i think

). I should have labeled them (they are now

). Because I happened to accidentally plug the cord coming from the fixture directly into the wall outlet....BIG BIG NO NO. They drivers WILL smoke when you do me I have first hand knowledge

. Thankfully had a couple of spares LDD Drivers, but unfortunately it also blew my DC/DC converters. They are what gives the BF its power, as well as the onboard fan/channel controllers. Total those 5 drivers and two DC/DC converters cost about $50, so I will need to buy replacements.
That being said, 4 out of 6 LEDs are fully functioning, and the other two (the ones driven by the board I blew to hell) only 2 out of 5 channels work until i get the replacement drivers/converters. Overall I am pretty **** excited to get this thing going. The phone app works flawlessly, and the weather effects and lighting are cool as hell too (a bit a gimmicky but still cool).
One thing I did run into was a wiring issue caused by not paying proper attention to the molex connectors that come with the LEDs. They come in 3 types. Inter connect (which connect the LEDs together in series), and a connector meant to connect to the output (ground) side of the LED string, and another meant to connect to the Postive (input side) of the string. The connectors LOOK IDENTICAL, except the colors go in reverse. This is super easy not to notice, and if you dont get it right, it results in the ground wires being mismatched to the proper positive lead on the PCB. This will result in channel 3 (because its in the middle and thus unaffected) being the only working channel. This took me a couple hours of frustration to find the cause. Because I blew the first PCB to hell, of course I was now flipping out thinking I had blown the entire array of LEDs out, which would have been a VERY VERY costly mistake. Thankfully that was not the case

. I was able to use a standard AC/DC converter with enough juice in it to test each channel on every LED last night before bed, so I knew I didnt blow those too. Otherwise I think I would never have slept last night lol. This morning, after starting fresh, i was able to find and correct the issue, and the unit works fantastic, and I couldnt be happier for now!
I am going to hold off on any video until I get the new parts and I can show the unit fully functional. It will probably be Friday until I get the new parts
