Crab ID.... (without pictures.. lol)


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ok, I've got a picture, just wanted to see how many replies I'd get by the title alone...

There is a crab that I got as a hitchiker on some Palys (as soon as I saw it dug in there, I removed the whole rock to the refugium)

it's not a decorator crab, but it's similar in size (body larger than a .50 piece) his claws are larger than a decorator's are..

the bottom of his shell is very light (white?)
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Bad guy.. The hair on the body is a tale tale for me.. Looks like it also has sharp claws..

The man (Jeremy Maneyapanda) also told me once that crabs with blue eyes are also a no no.. cant tell about the eyes in the pic though..
dunno bout the eyes either.... but he looked bad... now.. how the hell do I get him out of the paly without killin the paly?

dayum.. I guess I'm lucky for the "catch"... I've got a decorator and thought oh wow.. he found those quickly.. then decided to look around a bit.. and saw the decorator on the other side of the tank.. lucky again I guess that the decorator was out.. cause I usually only see him one time in 5 days..
I'll put him in the 30 fish only...

it's gonna have a puffer soon.. (evil grin)
he's in the fuge now.. what can I put in there for him to go after?

mysis/brine? think he'll bite? (take the bait)
Bamboo skewers work can either kinda flick him off......or spear him.....up to you....I prefer the spear method myself when it comes to crabs like black rock crabs for instance.....
I'd have to agree... there was this one girl in college... she ....

that was before portable video systems (or phones on cameras)

but I used to have pictures....
GOT HIM!!! (he's got RED eyes)

lured him out with mysis under complete darkness, then used a wooden skewer to block his "hiding place"... then picked him up with a hemostat.

who said I'm not patient.....................oh yeah, I did..
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