Crazy morning!!

PFCDeitz;648766 wrote: If you need me to come over let me know bro

Thanks kris. I'll let you know if I do. But I just called home and they said everything was ok other then the fact that we just lost power for a minute and that my MH isn't coming back on. That's just due to my controller not letting it fire back up right away until it has time to cool down.
oh man! I had a similar issue with a UV a long long time ago and it caused a similar outtage and spillage of water. maybe a snail got into the drain line and made the DT overflow? I dunno without looking at it but if EVERYTHING is all good now, no leaks anywhere, tubes tight and all it may have been a livestock initiated event.

Also look at the programming of your RK2. Some have been known to mysteriously "shift outlets" without warning - meaning your channel 2 turns into channel 2 on another outlet and jumbles all the programming around, this can be very very dangerous.
A snail could be possible but very unlikely since my drain is one of those take make the Upside down U. So the snail would have to get through the grill of my overflow, down 24" to the bottom then back up the drain 24" and make it's way into the drain. Possible but seems kinda unlikely.

The reef keeper I have just controls my lights and calcium reactor. All other pumps including chiller and both mp40's are connected to a DJ power strip so there's no possible way to it to switch. That's what's getting me scratching my head. So at this point. You may be right Gary, a snail may have made it's way down my drain, but then again I have 1.5" drains and non of my snails are that big. My return pump is only pushing up to my DT at about 450-500 gph. I'll have to take a closer look at everything when I get home tonight. I'll keep you guys updated. Thanks everyone your all the help and advise.
Ok I just checked all the connections on my return line and drain line with no luck of finding a leak. I can't tell where that water was coming from. I don't think a snail made it into my drain and cause my tank to flood because theres no trace of water anywhere on the rim or glass of my DT. ( I keep it spotless) I don't know if I should be happy or even more worried. This is driving me crazy.
Here are some pictures I just took.

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The 2nd picture is of the medifold. The splits out to feed my internal fuge and the bulkhead that Blake mentioned coming out from the side of my tank is the return for it and that lines is feed with hard PVC pipes to the middle of the sump then turns 90 degrees down into the sump.

There's another split like that on the other side of the medifold that feeds my chiller and then dumps into my DT. The return line for the chiller is hooked up to one of those U shape plastic tubes with a nozzle that is connected to a lockline so there's no way it can fall off and in this case it didn't.

I ran my fingers along all connections on the medifold and return/drain lines and felt nothing but salt creep from this morning. Not a drop of water that I felt. Still scratching my head.
man, is there anyway to go max pressure and block off the ends of the pipes to try and make it do it again. Is there a possibility of the ato siphoned back? I would be more worried than happy. I'm stumped

Edit: where was the majority of the salt creep. I remember one time I replace a spigot and it leaked slightly and i was POed about it but my boss bet me 5 dollars that it wouldnt leak the next day. He won the bet and explained that sediment would eventually build up and block the leak
Smallblock;649102 wrote: man, is there anyway to go max pressure and block off the ends of the pipes to try and make it do it again. Is there a possibility of the ato siphoned back? I would be more worried than happy. I'm stumped

Edit: where was the majority of the salt creep. I remember one time I replace a spigot and it leaked slightly and i was POed about it but my boss bet me 5 dollars that it wouldnt leak the next day. He won the bet and explained that sediment would eventually build up and block the leak

No chance of a back siphon on my ato since my ato line is about 6" above water line and my top off container was empty and floating on water when the flood protection box was flooded.

I CAN go max pressure and check but I can bet 100% I know what will leak first since I've done it before. I just need to close the big ball valve on my return line and turn the return pump on. I normally close that valve when I do my WC and I forgot to open it up once and when I turned the return pump back one. POW!! water was spraying from the connection of where the my medifold feeds my chiller at. That was the first thing I checked for leaks and sure enough there was non. I tighten that connection the best I could last night when I got home. I really don't know what else to do and have no idea whats wrong with it. :doh:
Smallblock;649105 wrote: is there a ball valve before where the chiller hooks up on the MANIFOLD lol

haha!! No, there is no ball valve on the MANIFOLD for the chiller, BUT!!! There is a ball valve on the return line that feeds back into the tank from the chiller, and yes! It was also open when the flood took place.
Lol, just mess with it this weekend bro, try to get it to do it again. All of us here dont want what happend to you to happen again
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I think I might have found out why my tank leaked and flooded. It's not concrete evidence but it's seems possible. I did a water chance last night and I stuck my whole body into my tiny stand to look at every connection I had (Benefit of being small :D ) and notice that my holes coming from my return pump into my manifold was sitting lower then when I had set it up. If you look at the picture, theres about a 3/4" cap from the holes to the end of the fitting. I tried pulling at it a little and it did seem like it was wiggling. So I loosen the clamp and pushed the tubing all the way back to the end of the fitting and re-tighten the clamp. I'm really hoping that that was the cause of my flood because I don't want to have to go through this again. I still don't understand how it could have gotten lose, maybe I might have knocked on it one too many times while messing around underneath my stand, I have no idea!

So a good heads up to all my fellow reefers out there, check all your connections on your next WC to make sure everything is in order to avoid sharing the same faith I did. On the bright side to the story is that I didn't lose anything in this disaster. It's been about a week since it happened and everything still seems fine, all coral and fish are still healthy and looking good.
Man... I had similar problem when i was setting up my tank three month ago... I was new to whole reef tank and as i was almost done setting up... I some reason decided to wiggle the return line to make sure it was secure and the cylicone came loose and had all the water leak from the where return line and sump line is... It was really a drag cause the tank was already filled and had to work really hard to get it dry and reseal... It didnt work second time but third time i finally got it to stick... Lol

anyways... I am grad to hear that you got all you livestock in healthy and all... Keep us updated ^^ thanks

Btw... I still check that part whenever i remember... Lol.... But its been good so far!!! <
Smallblock;650153 wrote: Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is. I feel a lot better now. Although I'm not 100% sure that this was the cause of my flood, but from what it looks like, I blame that connection.

Another word of advise, don't work on your tank / set-up your tank if your tired. Thats when mistakes are made and you won't know it until its too late or something like this happens. I went 4 days with very little sleep to set-up this tank and transfer everything over and I think thats where my mistakes lays.