Different Live Rock Types


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As I start looking for different types live rock to put in my first reef tank, I feel overwhelmed by the many different kinds and shapes. Is there anything in particular I should be looking for? What do all these different types of rocks mean. Is it just a location difference?
Mostly it's just different locations. And different harvest methods. Basically you want live rock with lots of small holes and crevices. The more the better. This will serve as hiding for small creatures as well as increase the space you have for beneficial bacteria. I have been told pukani is some of the best as far as holey goes. I used a ton of base rock because it's was cheap and then added some more live rock to increase surface area. It all depends on how much you want. And the pieces depend on the look of the tank you are going for. I have 2 times the rock for the amount of water in my tank. But it's all up to you. If you like the rock work by all means get more. If you like subtle rock work and larger corals then go that route. If just all depends on what your finial result will look like.

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kstyle13;948049 wrote: Mostly it's just different locations. And different harvest methods. Basically you want live rock with lots of small holes and crevices. The more the better. This will serve as hiding for small creatures as well as increase the space you have for beneficial bacteria. I have been told pukani is some of the best as far as holey goes. I used a ton of base rock because it's was cheap and then added some more live rock to increase surface area. It all depends on how much you want. And the pieces depend on the look of the tank you are going for. I have 2 times the rock for the amount of water in my tank. But it's all up to you. If you like the rock work by all means get more. If you like subtle rock work and larger corals then go that route. If just all depends on what your finial result will look like.

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Have any images of your rock work? I would love to check it out to provide some inspiration.
i got 65lbs of brs reef saver rock and added about 28-30 lbs of live rock to go with it came out looking pretty good i think

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Rocks look really good!

Here is another question I had. Obviously live rock is a little more expensive than dry rock. Would buying half dry and half live be the same thing as all live? Will the bacteria transfer to that dry rock quickly? Or will it take even longer for the system to level out that way.
thats what i did the 65 lbs is dry rock and added 30 lbs of live rock the dry will become live rock over time
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Here was my setup before I had to tear it down because of ich. But I will post another picture of the new layout when I get home from the doctors. I have probably changed it 4 or 5 times until I found setups I liked.

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Keep and eye out because you never know where you will find amazing deals. And it never hurts to ask people crazy questions. I came out with 180 lbs of rock for under 150 bucks. And it was from a store. They just had the rock in forever and wanted to move it so they could get a fresh batch in. Lol I couldn't have made out any better. Unless it was just Givin to me... which with the price I paid it basically was. Lol

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kstyle13;948058 wrote: Keep and eye out because you never know where you will find amazing deals. And it never hurts to ask people crazy questions. I came out with 180 lbs of rock for under 150 bucks. And it was from a store. They just had the rock in forever and wanted to move it so they could get a fresh batch in. Lol I couldn't have made out any better. Unless it was just Givin to me... which with the price I paid it basically was. Lol

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Lol if I didn't have such a huge tank I would. Lol plus I'm building 3 more tanks for clients of mine. Lol I found a guy who has base rock for 1.09 a pound but I think I bought him out. Lol I will let you know if he has more. And if you cycling your tank you can by 80 percent dry to save on cost and 20 percent live. By the time you tank is done cycling it will all be live. Basically what makes it live is the beneficial bacteria

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Yup that is what I was trying to figure out. I will be cycling a new tank this weekend and wanted to see if I needed to purchase 100% live rock, or if I could mix live and dry all while getting the same effect in the same time frame.
If you are trying to cycle a brand new tank it's gonna take more than one weekend. Unless you add sand/rock/water/structures from a tank that is well established. Just because it's live rock if it's new you will have a certain percentage of die off with all the living creatures of the rock itself. You can stability to help with the cycle but you will still a cycle that lasts more than one weekend. Remember this hobby is about patients. I mean if you have the money to buy all established live rock and live sand and everything more power to ya. Lol I certainly dont. :) even though the live rock I purchased was considered cured and was live when I bought it and I used tons of live sand my cycle still lasted 2 months. It flipped more times than gymnast at the Olympics. Just be prepared to have to wait more than one weekend. If you want money saving though yes you can purchase mostly dry rock and add a few pieces of live rock and it will all become live at the end of your cycle. Also be prepared to lose fish and corals if you try adding them after only one weekend of cycleing. Please don't take this as being negative either. I just don't want to hear that you lost a ton of money by jumping to soon. :)

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Not taking it negative at all! I appreciate the insight :)

I might have not explained properly. I never planned on cycling for only one weekend, I'm just starting my cycling this weekend. I expect it to take several weeks before I can throw two clowns in there.
Hence why I have another thread open about live rock donations :) I would love to be 100% live, but with my start up costs on the tank, equipment, and sand, every penny I can save would be nice.
my cycle lasted about a 3 weeks my cycle just ended gonna give it another week before i start adding live stock
Ok. I figured u may have meant that but just to be sure. :) how big is your tank btw?

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Will I need coralline and decorative live rock? What is the bonus of coralline?
Coralline is a type of algae. It will probably die off or recede when it's cycling. Mine did. If it costs more for that rock save ur money

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