Disaster strikes!

Cshack5405;947498 wrote: Bc da Vinci's paintings weren't living pets that died.... Just saying..

blah..im not being insensitive..just trying to spur a reinvigoration of inspiration..lol. Not to mention for what life the pet had..could have died in a pet store before living a great life in a great tank....."just sayin"

seriously..not trying to start anything. From the sound of it, lived a decent life..and stuff happens
Miami Dolfan;947298 wrote: I left to DC on a band trip on Wednesday and left my daughter in charge of the dogs and fish. She would check in with me every day to know all is well. On the day she has to be away for more than 8 hours due to her job, my pump shuts down and all fish are dead. I lost all my tangs, my 3 mandarins, my yellow bar jacks, a 6 line wrasse, my scooter blennies, 2 pajama cardinals, 2 bangaii cardinals, my African midas blenny and my filefish. I have no words to express how I feel right now. So, since I promised myself if this happened again I would sell my tank, I now have a 288 gal tank with built in cabinet and entire setup and accessories for sale. I can't start over anytime soon, just too miserable. I have over 12K invested into it so I would like to ask for half of that. Majorally bumming right now. I will list pics and details when I get back into town.

Wow....Very sorry to hear that..But just like everyone else is saying, dont sell your tank. You would probably regret it. Start it back up and take it slow. This hobby is very addicting. I lost all of my coral when i moved my tank.. so i got a bigger one... Good luck for whatever your choice is

Cshack5405;947491 wrote: Im so sry man i don't have very many fish i actually only have four and I'd still be very upset but I'd gladly offer you my cardinal for free man hes a very good size and a great tank mate i love him but I can tell you'd be a great owner so if you want him just let me know man! And again im so sorry for all that happening to you thats not a way anyone should come home!

You sir, are a gentlemen. It's very nice of you to offer some fish and frags. And good luck in the tankwars.
Cshack5405;947493 wrote: And I don't know if you lost any coral but i do know i could spare a few zoa frags like hornets and tubbs blues!

+1 on being a true gent
JennM;947311 wrote: :( I'm sorry for your losses.

Discouraged would be an understatement.

Why is it that crap always happens the moment nobody is watching?


Murphy's Law

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Sorry for your loss........ But, don't get rid of your tank!. Anyone in this hobby would be devastated by a loss like this. But, we always come back!
You've been around a long time. You've seen this happen to others and we all know it's not if my tank crashes but when. A decision made based on emotion isn't a decision. It's an impulse or instinctual reaction. While your instincts may have served you well enough to get you to where you are now, it's time to use rational thought and judgement.
How many days of pleasure did the tank bring you versus this day of grief? Buck up. Man up. And get up. I know you will.
Thanks all for the positive and encouraging words and offers. You guys are awesome.The thing that keeps bothering me is the way the pump just quit working with no explanation or signs of trouble. It's been working fine since it happened. The only thing I can come up with is that my Reeflo pump has some sort of auto shutoff if no water is running into it and I did find that the diffuser sponge came out from under the glass divider and was wedged under my auto top off a little which may have caused the water level to drop too low and cause the shutoff. I am reaching for an answer for closure, not certain if this is what happened at all.
JC_k;947771 wrote: How old is it?

Not old at all...about 3 years. I even have a brand new one waiting in case this one fails, but even that wasn't an option since I wasn't here.
Miami Dolphin... I work in your neck of the woods and could give you some frags from my classroom tank. PM if you are interested.
Rodasphoto;947777 wrote: Miami Dolphin... I work in your neck of the woods and could give you some frags from my classroom tank. PM if you are interested.

Thank you for the offer. I think I'm gonna wait and do a couple of water changes before I put anything back into it. I do have some things still living in it but the water does smell a bit. My daughter couldn't get to my desjardini sailfin so I had to get him out after 3 days of passing. Pretty nasty.
Does anyone know... if I would have had a powerhead on a battery backup skimming the surface would that have been enough to save them? Just planning my next fail safe since I will be keeping the tank.
PFCDeitz;947784 wrote: Would have been for a few good hours till it got cold

I guess a few good hours would have been good instead of no hours at all. Just enough for my daughter to have gotten the pump back up online.
Well my offer stands still on the fish and coral still man just let me know! Also i just ordered myself a new powerhead and my old one still works amazingly so if you want it just to get some more circulation just lmk on that too! Good luck on finding a solution and in getting it back to its old beauty! If ya need any help im here for anything i can physically do man! Gl! :)

I believe Reeflo pumps will shutoff once they start to overheat. Running with out or limited water will certainly cause them to heat up rather quickly. If you've found something leading to a shortage of water I would bet that is what happened.
Cshack5405;947799 wrote: Well my offer stands still on the fish and coral still man just let me know! Also i just ordered myself a new powerhead and my old one still works amazingly so if you want it just to get some more circulation just lmk on that too! Good luck on finding a solution and in getting it back to its old beauty! If ya need any help im here for anything i can physically do man! Gl! :)

Thanks Buddy!