Do I need a sump?


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East Cobb
All I think I’m ever going to keep is corals and verts. I’m wondering - do I need a sump or a skimmer for that? I have all the equipment ready to go but is it overkill?

I ran one of my tanks with HOB with no filter cartridge for 2 weeks so just water movement and everything was happy. I reef roid sometimes and amino acid other times.

If it is overkill boy my next project could be a lot easier. No hole drilling for one.

Interested in the experience of others ..
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Just get a sump. Biggest one you can.
I have a 50 gallon LPS heavy AIO and tell myself every day I should have got a drilled tank with a sump. Trying to cram a protein, skimmer, UV sterilizer and filter media into that back compartment is really a pain.
Would recommend getting a sump.
So that’s 3 votes sump .. ..

I do have a 30 gallon acrylic from Elite Aquatics, an Octopus 3000 and Jaboa pump I bought for a 75 gallon, and the tools to put it together so I shouldn’t be short on horsepower! Time and effort though