Emergency Quarantine Tank Q's


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Ok, my true percula clown started showing signs of a bacterial infection today. Swimming on the sand bed, heavy breathing and has a grayish red spot of his body. He still ate really well during feeding though...

So I ran out and bought a 10 gallon tank from petsmart. I put in a big airstone, a rio 50, a 50 watt heater and 7 gallons of water from my display and 3 fresh saltwater.

Am I going to be ok If I just keep changing about a gallon of water a day pulled from my display? I knwo I should have cycled to QT, but I needed to help this fish, and get it out of the display fast because he did not look too happy.

Also what meds are good? I bought an API anitbacterial medication.
Answer me this, Why would you pull water from the main tank? If there is some bacteria in the water (or if what you are up against is not a bacteria infection) you are subjecting your clown to the same water that is making him sick. I never advocate water that could be tainted being used in the QT tank. Make 100% saltwater for your QT.

You do not have to cycle your QT. Just stay on top od water changes and FEED VERY LITTLE. You do not want excess food fouling the water or the fish getting enough food to poop out waste. Stay on top of your ammonia levels with water changes and the fish will be ok without a "cycled" QT tank.

Problem is I can not help you figure out meds to use without some additional info about the fish. Do you have a good picture?!?
im pretty sure everything that fish poop out is "waste" haha :)
I pulled water from the display because that's what I always read to do. Also, I thought bacterial infections were not contagious?

I water in my display should be fine. I keep it in pretty good shape, and all the other fish and inverts are perfectly fine.

The fish has been with me for about 2 years, and never had a problem. I have moved this fish in and out of 3 different tanks I have owned, and she always been the most active fish I have had.

I feed everyday with garlic supplemented frozen mysis or brine.

I am going to try to get a picture. She is hiding in one of the abalone shells I put in there.
Use "new" aged saltwater as brandon said and change 2-3 gallons a day and you'll be fine. PIcs would be extremely helpful but I would drop salinity a bit also to 1.021 just to help osmotic regulation a bit.
Thanks, dropping the salinity was my next question. I will slowly drop it during the 1 gallon water changes.

The water is 1.026 right now, would just getting the "New" salt water at 1.024 be good enough to lower it a bit, and then do this daily until it is at 1.021?
Fish are extremely able adaptable to the downward movement so over 2 days is plenty. If your going to do 1 gallon water changes I would do straight buffered RO water the first 2 days. That will only lower it to about about 1.021.

And since he's still eating get some Beta Glucan from whole foods or a health store and dust that over the frozen food and let it soak in before you feed. It can't hurt anything and helps boost the immune system.
Ok, I will go to GNC or wal-mart and look for it.

And thanks, I will just do a 1 gallon change today with straight ro water
Here is the only picture I can get. There is a crappy light on there, nad my camera is not that good a penetrating water.

The area that is circled it where the reddish gray spot is. Also, that black area on her is usually all black, not faded.

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I changed 2 gallons of water today because there was about .50PPM ammonia, and lowered the salinity down to 1.023 for today.

I added some more antibacterial meds too.

Oh, and she would not eat today:sad:

I hope she makes it...
Well, she ate yesterday and seems very lively in the tank now. I changed 2 gallons of water today and now the salinity is at 1.021. She definatly seems to be coming along nicely. I will try to get a better pic of her now that she is not hiding.
Me too. This is my favorite fish, and the one I have had the longest. Anyway here is the best pic I could get. It is still extremely hard to see the infection. It doesnt look as bad as it did a few days ago, but still there.

The water is now red from the meds:confused2:

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I did another 2G water change and put in the last treatment today. She is back to her old self. Eating well, and even bit my hand when I put it in the tank like she always does. I am happy, so far so good!
Back in the tank after being lonely for a while! She is a feisty as ever!

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