FedEx overnight shipping failure.


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Ray City
I had a buddy ship me some coral FedEx overnight priority. The tracking information said it was supposed to be here by 4:30pm on the 14th (today). Got home and no package. Called FedEx to get some answers and they said that it never left Memphis because of some plane delay and that they only had one plane that takes overnight priority packages. The lady put a trace on the package and said that someone would contact me back within 2 hours.

What are the odds that hard corals will make it to me alive? The box in insulated and has a decent amount of water in each bag. I'm Stressing big time because it cost me quite a bit.
Hate to be a negative nancy, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
sra_chipmunk;866641 wrote: I had a buddy ship me some coral FedEx overnight priority. The tracking information said it was supposed to be here by 4:30pm on the 14th (today). Got home and no package. Called FedEx to get some answers and they said that it never left Memphis because of some plane delay and that they only had one plane that takes overnight priority packages. The lady put a trace on the package and said that someone would contact me back within 2 hours.

What are the odds that hard corals will make it to me alive? The box in insulated and has a decent amount of water in each bag. I'm Stressing big time because it cost me quite a bit.

This happens all the time for some reason my fed ex always gets screwed up in Memphis also. I would still keep a positive attitude . It's happen to me several times and believe it or not with the temps being good for shipping I would say you have a good chance of the corals making it. I have had fish and corals stay in shipping for 48 hrs and still make it.
Good luck
They called me and said it will be at the FedEx station tomorrow for pickup at 0930 so I had them hold it there for me to get it myself
If they're packed correctly, the should be OK.
You should be ok for the most part. I have gotten things in that were in transit for twice as long.
Just went to FedEx to pick up my package and guess what.... It's still in Memphis. It never left. Now I know all the coral is dead. Guess I'm out $400
Was it Fed Ex Home Delivery? They've really been screwing up lately.
I had a buddy ship me some coral FedEx overnight priority

Any luck contacting your buddy, maybe the package was insured (although sometimes claiming that can be a nightmare as well). IMO there is no dependable shipper for corals, they all are hit or miss.

Fedex really annoyed me by leaving some packages at the base of my driveway,about a 1/4 mile for the house or maybe it was the time that I found a package of corals in our cornfield- no house anywhere in site about a month after I ordered it!, this was a signature required package.
I've been talking with my buddy. No insurance was placed because it was a live shipment. FedEx screwing up big time right now
The last couple deliveries they made to me they delivered to wrong address even though my address was correct on the Pkg. ( my addy 2987 they delivered to 2997
I had to drive around my neighborhood looking because they said it showed delived but I was standing on my pourch and no pkg. luckily I saw the pkg by front door about 5 houses down.
Sorry for you shipment. That really stinks
sra_chipmunk;866838 wrote: I've been talking with my buddy. No insurance was placed because it was a live shipment. FedEx screwing up big time right now

Will they not let you insure live shipments? Unfortunately, FedEx is probably going to tell you it's not on them either.
They will.....just went through the same thing a few weeks ago. They'll tell you it's up to the shipper to rectify the situation.
FedEx screwing up big time right now

If you ever get the package, maybe you could bring it with you when making the claim. The only thing is I think you should open every bag and make sure they see the damage. ;-)

At the least, I'm sure you won't keep be in line for a ling time.