FedEx overnight shipping failure.

With a mess up this big, I'd refuse the package once it arrived. If you accept the package, you've somewhat let FedEx off of the hook...
I was thinking about FedEx'ing my golf clubs to Florida next week, but now I think I might just check them as baggage!
Ripped Tide;866902 wrote: Throw some dead turbo snails in one of the bags. That'll show em

Uggg Is it bad if after you said that I had a flash back of dead turbo smell

Patrick;866905 wrote: WOrst should be completely refunded for shipping costs.

+1 for sure
containerman1;867017 wrote: Uggg Is it bad if after you said that I had a flash back of dead turbo smell
I bet anyone who's ever smelled it instantly had the smell come rushing back. Oof. That is some bad stuff.
Still no update from FedEx. Going on day three of my "overnight priority" delivery and nobody knows where the package ran off to.
I ship items for a living. I hate to say it, but its gone. Start the claim now, they may pay you something for the live shipment. I know for my losses, they pay by the lbs, not $ amount which makes no sense.

I told the fed-ex manager a bowling ball will be 'insured' more than a diamond when shipping international.

Sorry and good luck
I did a three way call with the shipper, FedEx and me today and. Claim form was e-mailed to the shipper for him to fill out and submit. It's a shame because the pieces in there were amazing looking. I hope they pay put something for the loss. It was a 20lb box.
It's a crappy situation. I don't think fedex will cover live animals for their coverage, it's in their shipping exclusions right be firearms. You will get refunded the money for shipping though. GL