Fiji Foxface appears to be ill


Active Member
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Atlanta. Chastain/Sandy Springs
He's sorta on his side stuck under a rock. Hasn't eaten in 2 days. Here are my parameters. My clowns and blue Damsel appear to be fine.

Phosphates 0.5
Alkalinity 9.3
pH 8.0
Nitrate 0.0
Calcium 370
Magnesium 1280
Salinity 1.024
Ammonia 0.25
Nitrite 0.0

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My file fish got caught in the MP40 and died a day later. Could he be depressed? Do fish get sad then their friend dies?
Fish don’t normally get caught in powerheads like that unless they are in a weakened state or sick. Are you sure there aren’t any spots or marks on the fish? Like Ich or velvet?
I just noticed you have ammonia. That’s not good. Is the tank new? Is it cycled?
Yes the tank is cycled. It's been for a while now.

I think the ammonia is from the dead file fish. It was probably 8-12hrs before I got home and found him dead.

The fox couldn't hardly swim and was stuck under a rock. So I stuck him in a bucket with a nori strip and I dosed it with General Cure.