Fish out! Fish out!!!


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I always knew the day would come, but never knew how I would react or that last night would be the day...

My clowns are getting fiesty as they mature. But fiesty in different manners. Gracie, the female will nail the crap out of my feeding tube when I put it in to spot feed the corals every 6 days. And she will flip the top of the water as I pull the tube out, splashing everywhere.

George, (the smaller male) on the other hand is the biter. If my hand goes in, he's biting it...

Well, last night I'm feeding the corals and Gracie is pinging the heck out of the glass tube. She flipped the top of the water a couple of times when I went for more food. And then when I was done, I was pulling the tube out and out of nowhere she flew out of the tank, bounced off my chest and landed on the hardwood, about a 5' drop.

It all happened so fast all I could do was toss down the towel I was holding and yell out FISH OUT!!! FISH OUT!!! like a freaking moron. My wife & son come running over like the tank just popped. I couldn't find her right away, and then when I moved the towel on the floor there she was, like Nemo on a platter. LOL... So I scooped her up and tossed her back in with a little dust & dog hair stuck to her. She swam back down to her favorite coral and hung there visibly traumatized but no worse for the wear.
great story!!

FISH OUT!! FISH OUT!! A little dust and dog hair on her!! Epic, so funny - I needed that today!!
Sorry that happened, but it definitely is good for a laugh! And at least she's OK!
I have learned that clownfish live their lives on their terms, not ours. :)
Great story!
LOL.. yeah, after all was said & done, it was a good laugh and I think I was about as traumatized as she was. Now I'm just wondering if she'll continue to nip at the tube...
Thanks man, I needed that. I'm very glad it ended up a funny story rather than sad!:D
lol... i just had visions of a panicked cop yelling "man down! man down!!!"
glad the story turned out funny :)

your little male sounds like our domino... this is MY tank!!!! get OUT!!!
Hopefully she learned her lesson and will think twice before attempting that stunt again. lol
Sorry it was traumatizing to both you and Gracie! I'm glad it ended
well and is funny now. I have cat and dog hair in my tank too:DHolley
Not to mention the poor fish has brain damage from a 5 ft drop. So hefty says no that's not enough she needs a fur coat and some whip lash so he throws her in with a speeding curve ball. FISH ABUSE!!!!!!
I had a breeding pair of discus back in the 90's. one night around 2am, my dog woke me up because of her loud growling - then I noticed a very odd sound coming from downstairs. I ran down to find the sound coming from inside my aquarium stand, opened it up and there was my female discus flopping around...

I yelled too only it was @#$! (I can't repeat repeat it hear cause this is a family show).

I scooped her up and put her in the tank - that is when I realized I had scared the heck out of my wife and she was peaking out of the bedroom with a baseball bat in hand...

The discus did get injured, but recovered and went back to breeding a few weeks later. I kept a brick on the glass top after that...

My wife did not have a heart attack, so I guess all was good.
That video was awesome!!!

But no, it did not happen anything like that - All I can say is if that is what that kid in the video is seeing, he needs to find a good drug rehab and quick! lol.
I keep hoping my fairy wrasses will learn before getting brain damage... they can't get out of the canopy, and the way it is made they can't get "stuck" up top somewhere... but they have several times spooked with my hands in the tank and jumped up and smacked my T5 reflectors (supplemental actinics along the front and back edge) really hard... sounds like an acorn falling on a metal roof followed by a splash as they get rebounded back into the tank.