Flashing fish


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ok so i have 3 fish in my display tank. Firefish, royal gramma, and a mandarin. The fish went through a 4 week qt before being introduced to the display tank. After about 2 weeks in the display tank the firefish started rubbing against the sand. The fish looks good with reflective eyes good color and is eating very well. After 3 days or so of the firefish flashing the royal gramma has started doing the same thing. Neither fish has visible white spots or anything noticeably wrong. Any ideas anyone??? :sad::sad: All water parameters are good as i just tested it tonight.

thanks in advance for your help.


Parasites... prolly ich. Ich doesn't always manifest as white spots. The white spots are in fact the fish's reaction to the parasite not the parasite itself. Keep them fat and well fed and they should be fine.

Treat the food you feed them with Garlic. It worked for me and I swear by it.
if they are itchy doesnt mean they have ich check wo see if there is any ammonia in the water or nitrate that wil have them itching as well is this a new set up ...and how long has it been running
Make sure your water temp is stable as well, if it isn't it can cause the fish stress, which often leads to ich.
Victor626nj;125813 wrote: if they are itchy doesnt mean they have ich check wo see if there is any ammonia in the water or nitrate that will have them itching as well is this a new set up ...and how long has it been running

i checked the water parameters this evening and all appears to be well however the ammonia reading may have been slightly high. It is so hard to tell with the test kit that i have. I treated the water with ammo lock 2 (first time i have ever used it). The system has been up for at least 7 months maybe a little longer. Tonight while looking at mu firefish it appears that he has red marks close to his eyes and gills where he has been rubbing.

Thank you everyone for all good input. I will get some garlic tomorrow and start treating the food.

Not that i am eager to medicate but a friend of mine recommended that i pull them out and put them back into QT and treat with prazi pro. Any thoughts on that?

Thanks again.
ok i have been using garlic for several days and for the past 4 days i have been doing 10% water changes daily. The fish are still flashing. How long should i wait before trying to snag them and place them in the hospital tank? The fish are still eating well and their acting normal minus the flashing. The royal gramma has lost a little color. I don't want to rush in with copper but on the other hand i don't want to wait until it is too late either?

Thanks in advance for your valuable input.