The tank is less than 4 months old today. It feels like it's been longer.
I did some testing today. I haven't done much testing on this tank since it's at work. I do Ph now that a member sent me a freebie ph checker.. 8-8.1 has been pretty consistent. I'm manually topping off with kalk and using Red Sea pre-mixed from Optimum at least until my store credit runs out. Nitrate today is <2ppm and phosphate <.06. I'm changing 10-15% once or twice a week.
The clowns are doing well but still haven't really paired. One is still noticeably but not significantly larger than the other but they still fight. I've got about 15 heads of candy cane, a purple torch, two zoa colonies - one mostly green with about 10 polyps and another really dull brown and orange with about 20 polyps, a small bit of xenia and then the GSP or whatever it is that's pictured here. It's probably tripled since the pics here.
I've had both of the emerald crabs die, one hermit and at least two of the nassarius snails. The emerald crabs have me a little confused. I'm getting a little bit of algae since the last one died so I think I'm going to replace it today.
My next addition will be a small anemone from a member that I'm picking up today.