FS: Tang $3300


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I think I'd rather have a purple tang for fifty bucks. And why is this fish the holy grail of marine fish???

Only an idoit or someone with money to waste would pay that much. Rare or not who cares?

When I see soemthing like that I kinda lose respect for the seller. If its that rare then maybe you should leave it in the ocean.
This fish is rarely collected, not rare in numbers. It is only found off Mauritus, and collectors must make a special and costly trip specifically to collect this fish. Hence the cost. Before we all start casting stones, I'm sure we can all admit we are interested in rare and beautiful things, whether it be in our tanks or homes or lives. On a similar note, I would rather just buy a $50 marine Betta for the looks, but thats just me.
Gem Tangs have always been desirable. Their price historically has been around $600.00.

$3300 is ridiculous, but I bet you theres a queue of people who will purchase it. However sadly not me.

I have an idea, if we get 33 people to put in $100 each, we could time share lease it out for 10 days a year. Any takers.
Or a raffle. Say tickets for $50 with a max of 66 tickets sold. Winner gets the Gem Tang. We could do this as an ARC thing or open it out there to a bigger audience.

I dont know if you've seen this type of thing in the airports. Its usually for a really nice car.

Your thoughts.
Couldn't you get the same thing by getting a purple tang and letting it get a good case of ich?
totally beautiful fish, looks very close to my ever so wanted sailfin tang, tho i wouldnt spend that much money on a fish ever, still a beauty!
Simon.Kruger wrote: Or a raffle. Say tickets for $50 with a max of 66 tickets sold. Winner gets the Gem Tang. We could do this as an ARC thing or open it out there to a bigger audience.

I dont know if you've seen this type of thing in the airports. Its usually for a really nice car.

Your thoughts.

As funny as your trying to be, thats actually a neat idea...:up: :D
Simon.Kruger wrote: Or a raffle. Say tickets for $50 with a max of 66 tickets sold. Winner gets the Gem Tang. We could do this as an ARC thing or open it out there to a bigger audience.

I dont know if you've seen this type of thing in the airports. Its usually for a really nice car.

Your thoughts.

I kinda like this idea as well... maybe we can convince them to give the winner free shipping. lol

Something tells me they may not support the 14day Guarantee on this fish tho...
on a serious note you could actually do this for the ARC using various hard to find fish, probably not 3300 bucks but nice fish. and sell tickets and make a small profit too to help the ARC with funding. Just a thought.:up:
thank you, thank you. pls send your checks to .............

Oh, I was serious, I'd drop $50 in on that pot.
HAHA Hey Tony will that fish fit in my tank too hahaha:confused2: :confused2: :confused2:
Zanski wrote: on a serious note you could actually do this for the ARC using various hard to find fish, probably not 3300 bucks but nice fish. and sell tickets and make a small profit too to help the ARC with funding. Just a thought.:up:

The Atlanta Reef Club is a non-profit organization tho...

Zanski wrote: HAHA Hey Tony will that fish fit in my tank too hahaha:confused2: :confused2: :confused2:

NO! lol
tsciarini wrote: The Atlanta Reef Club is a non-profit organization tho...

Im not talking about money to spend on your new shoes, just money to help the club with anything. Maybe it was a dumb idea ha:lol2:

NO! lol

Awwe daddy PLEASE!!!:D
Zanski wrote: Im not talking about money to spend on your new shoes, just money to help the club with anything. Maybe it was a dumb idea ha:lol2:

Not a dumb idea at all... in fact it's a great idea!!!

Submit it to the Board of Directors and see if the club will organize it!