FS: Tang $3300

The ARC is non-profit, but as ares said, we can still generate funds for the club. In fact, we have to, to be able to pay for speakers, meeting locations, cards, corals to be fragged, etc, etc.

As a Board member, I'd only support this as a club-related activity if it were going to generate money for the club- IE. We'll take 35 or more people's raffle tickets and the club keeps the difference. Otherwise, the volunteer running it is doing it for neither the club's benefit or their own, which isn't very respectful of their time. I'm not trying to make the club money as much as protecting a volunteer's time. Make sense?

However, members of the club aren't bound to any set of rules. As long as it's not destructive to the club, a member can meet other people, host a frag swap, hold a raffle, or do whatever we want. We're a club of people, not a commune. :)
Maybe the raffle should also include a R/T ticket to LiveAquaria's facility in Wisconsin so that the winner could pickup the fish and bring it back with them.

Oh wait... Airport Security only allows 4 oz of water. :(

I just bought it.....it's no longer available.....

I just started my 30gal saltwater and i figured that would be a nice fish to cycle the tank with.

I'll let you guys know how it goes....
Jgoal55 wrote: I just bought it.....it's no longer available.....

I just started my 30gal saltwater and i figured that would be a nice fish to cycle the tank with.

I'll let you guys know how it goes....

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That's awesome!

:welcome: Welcome to the ARC!! Glad to have you on board!:welcome:
lol...thanks tom.....


if the fish dies while I cycle my tank with it I'll sell you the diamonds at a bargain price!
mojo wrote:

However, members of the club aren't bound to any set of rules. As long as it's not destructive to the club, a member can meet other people, host a frag swap, hold a raffle, or do whatever we want. We're a club of people, not a commune. :)

Don't want to ruin any fun but if someone does the raffle, be sure you know the laws
The club has raffles every meeting. Also, that link never defined what their definition of "raffle" is. It may not even apply.
Im certainly not saying to follow them... lol
just want the person to be aware!!

I knew someone would have the smarta$$ comment ;)
Heh...you responded before I thought better and revised what I wrote. Hope I didn't offend! :roll: