Fuel vs Acropower


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I've been using Fuel for about a year. I can't say I'm overwhelmed by the results although I'm not ready to stop using amino products. I had always dosed Fuel at night when I had maximum polyp extension, however about a month ago I started dosing during the peak of my light cycle and I must say that I am seeing improvements in coral coloration and growth. As a disclaimer i will also mention that at the same time I started working to INCREASE my Nitrate levels from "undetectable" (Elos kit) to ~2ppm. So far I have only gotten my Nitrates into the barely detectable range ~0.25 is my guess.

Anyway, I need to reup my Fuel supply and I'm considering switching to Acropower. Aside from what seems like great reviews, I also love the fact that it doesn't need to be refrigerated so it can be dosed.
Tagging along. I'm in the same boat. Been using fuel for six months or so with decent results. My Acropower is coming tomorrow so I will be sure to let you know my thoughts once i start using it.
Kirkwood;949589 wrote: I've been using Fuel for about a year. I can't say I'm overwhelmed by the results although I'm not ready to stop using amino products. I had always dosed Fuel at night when I had maximum polyp extension, however about a month ago I started dosing during the peak of my light cycle and I must say that I am seeing improvements in coral coloration and growth. As a disclaimer i will also mention that at the same time I started working to INCREASE my Nitrate levels from "undetectable" (Elos kit) to ~2ppm. So far I have only gotten my Nitrates into the barely detectable range ~0.25 is my guess.

Anyway, I need to reup my Fuel supply and I'm considering switching to Acropower. Aside from what seems like great reviews, I also love the fact that it doesn't need to be refrigerated so it can be dosed.

What are you doing to inch that up? Are you V dosing? The reason I ask is Im in the same boat. I cut my dose back to half of what I was using to try and get an increase in Nitrates
Amino acids inherently up nitrate levels. I also upped my feeding from once to 2-3 times daily to try to compensate for the carbon dosing.
Mikesmith34;949628 wrote: What are you doing to inch that up? Are you V dosing? The reason I ask is Im in the same boat. I cut my dose back to half of what I was using to try and get an increase in Nitrates

Like Declan said there is no reason to reduce Fuel doseage if you are trying to increase your Nitrates. Typically amino acid products are most beneficial in ultra low nutrient systems. So removing an amino suppleplement would further exascerbate any problem your corals are having from a lack of Nitrates.

Also Vodka dosing would be another means to reduce nitrates. As I understand the carbon source (vodka) is used to increase bacterieal populations that would then reduce your nitrate and phoshpate levels.

I am doing pretty generic stuff. I am feeding more often, feeding sloppier, and doing less frequent water changs. Pretty much the opposite of everything I'd been doing the past few years. Historically I would NEVER feed any frozen unless I was administering focus/metro - I was exclusively feeding Elos pellets. Now I'm feeding frozen mysis 3x week and Elos other days. I am also spot feeding corals during lights out with cyclopeeze and/or ELOS SVC (a dried plankton suplement). I am administering a 7ml dose of Fuel during peak light cycle. Additionally I am keeping the same fish population in my new 60gal shallow lagoon as I had in my 120gal. I thought I had a good stock list in the 120 which I thought would be too much for the 60. I am seeing now that may not be the case. (Disclaimer: I am running the exact same skimmer and filtration on the 60 as I ran on the 120 so that is helping to keep the water clean). Finally, I am now doing about a 10% water change ever 2-3 weeks instead of weekly. I am still changing out 1 cup of GFO every 7-10 days and changing out 1 cup of Lignite Carbon every 3 weeks. I may tweak the GFO and Carbon routine, but for now I want to keep that a constant so I can see what increasing Nitrate levels will do for the tank.
Some folks, in other threads on other websites, are reporting their KH dropping with dosing AcroPower. Not to emergency levels or anything that bad. This may be related to the corals feeding on them, and a resulting increase in growth/calcification, would be my guess.
Acroholic;949650 wrote: Some folks, in other threads on other websites, are reporting their KH dropping with dosing AcroPower. Not to emergency levels or anything that bad. This may be related to the corals feeding on them, and a resulting increase in growth/calcification, would be my guess.

I hope that's the case...
Declanisadog;949651 wrote: I hope that's the case...
There was a recent article in Advanced Aquarist Magazine about amino acid dosing/production/uptake in corals, and they basically said that corals have the ability to synthesize all the amino acids they need, but they can also uptake them directly. So in other words, if they are feeding on extra dosed aminos vs a normal regimen of no dosing, then it makes sense you would see increased bicarbonate uptake and a corresponding decrease in measured KH.

I am dosing AroPower just to see if my colors get better. I don't care if the SPS in my 465 grow any faster or not. I don't like fast growing SPS to start with, hehehe!

Acroholic;949658 wrote: I don't like fast growing SPS to start with, hehehe!

I'd be happy to help you keep your colonies nice and trim. My bone cutters are just waiting for the green light...

i agree with your opinion on the Kh drop. If anything I'd say that we should use the Kh drop as a sign that our corals are growing faster with the amino supplement.

This just made me think, my Kh was steady at 10.5 and then I switched my Fuel dosage from a nightime dose to the peak light cycle dose. When I tested my KH last week I was at 8.5. Interesting...
I hate trimming my SPS, and the reason is not that I mind fragging them, but my SPS corals have a tendency to have large branches/bodies, but small bases, so many times you try to cut off a small piece, and the entire colony becomes dislodged, creating 5x more work to attempt to reattach it. It has always surprised me they don't encrust a lot, because I have six MP60s providing in-tank flow. My best guess is that the colonies grow pretty well, so there is a good bit of base shading in them, and good competition for available light.

Also, IME, the closer an SPS colony is to another, you will see more branch formation and growth in the direction of the other coral, like a self defense mode. More branches and growth towards the intruder equals more stinging ability if they touch, I guess.
Anybody out there dropping Fuel for acropower or vice versa? Lets hear about it.
SnowManSnow;949844 wrote: i foresee cyano outbreaks in the future haha

I've been fuel for a few months. I've seen some color change but I think it mostly due to changes in lighting. The one thing I do notice is a film on my glass the day after dosing.
SnowManSnow;949844 wrote: i foresee cyano outbreaks in the future haha

I had a cyano outbreak a year ago when I first started dosing Fuel. It was a blessing in disguise as the cyano suffocated and drowned out all my bubble algae.. Once the system adjusted to the Fuel, the cyano disappeared and I was left with clean LR. I recommend that method of BA removal to many frustrated reefers.

Right now things are looking good. Just trying to decide if I stick with Fuel or switch to AcroPower.
Just tracked my package, and my acropower is waiting for me at home. First dose will be tonight. I'll be sure to post and see if i notice any difference in the reaction i get from dosing fuel.
Acropower doesn't need refrigeration vs Fuel that does. Not sure if it makes any difference other than AP can be dosed easily via a pump. I do my AP this way.
Acroholic;949883 wrote: Acropower doesn't need refrigeration vs Fuel that does. Not sure if it makes any difference other than AP can be dosed easily via a pump. I do my AP this way.

Yeah, that was one of the main selling points for me as i plan to set up a doser for it in the near future.
Declanisadog;949876 wrote: Just tracked my package, and my acropower is waiting for me at home. First dose will be tonight. I'll be sure to post and see if i notice any difference in the reaction i get from dosing fuel.

fyi - they say Acro should be dosed at peak light cycle...