Give me the fix please


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east cobb
Found this dude on my glass tonight first one I have ever seen.


  • 9A2D274A-4B37-42E2-8A98-1EF9E69467ED.jpeg
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I can't help with ID too much. The only pest nudibranch species I've ever dealt with or really seen first hand are montipora eating nudis and they're usually white. I suppose there can be some variation but there are a lot of different nudi species the can pop up in reef tanks. Based on a quick search it could be a zoa eating nudi. Have you noticed anything looking unhealthy or munched on lately? (I'm assuming it's a bad variety because I'm a bit of a pessimist.) It could be a good or neutral nudi but the only one's I've seen are berghia nudibranchs and they usually have light colored "tips" at the end of their little protrusions.

On a positive note, lots of folks have dealt with pest nudis by adding a wrasse. In particular, a yellow coris wrasse seems to be a really popular options. If you haven't noticed anything being damaged, I'd still keep a close eye out. Depending on your system you could pull frags and dip them and see what comes off.
Yea it’s a nudibranch just not sure what kind. I dipped all my corals before I put them in so I’ll dip again and see what happens
Hard to say what kind of nudi that is. I'm guessing zoa or berghia nudi as monti nudis are typically all white. If its a berghia hitchhiker that's a good thing... if its a zoa nudi not so good. Here's a lil article on the zoa eating nudi kind. They're actually super easy to deal with using FWE.

The main issue with relying on dips is that most dips available only stun them. For the dip to be strong enough to kill them, it would end up killing the coral. A FWE dip at super high concentration is something I do recommend as it has been shown to be more effective than general coral dips on these guys. QT system is best for this. However, if you don't have a QT system you need to dip and then use a powerhead or turkey baster to vigorously clean the coral off as even when stunned they can still hang on pretty well. Also its always best to remove the frag plugs as that's where a lot of the eggs are laid which no dip can handle.
The most recent change I've made to my dipping and scrubbing routine has been the addition of a cheap jewlers loupe. I also collect coins and have a few laying around. I saw something odd on one of my frags and couldn't make out what it was so I grabbed loupe and saw that it was absolutely nothing in that case. However, I was really able to get a really good look and a few frags later was able to see some eggs on one of the frags so I pitched it. Now it's a standard part of the dipping process for new frags. I know 100% that a coral QT is the way to go but every one I set up ends up being a frag tank...

My Wife thinks I'm a crazy person. She just so happened to come down to the basement when I was dipping in Bayer. There I was with my fan, gloves and my magnifier headband scrutinizing the tiniest imperfection on a monti. At this point I've upgraded from a simple handheld loupe to a headband that has lenses for both eyes. I thought I looked pretty cool but she clearly didn't!
The most recent change I've made to my dipping and scrubbing routine has been the addition of a cheap jewlers loupe. I also collect coins and have a few laying around. I saw something odd on one of my frags and couldn't make out what it was so I grabbed loupe and saw that it was absolutely nothing in that case. However, I was really able to get a really good look and a few frags later was able to see some eggs on one of the frags so I pitched it. Now it's a standard part of the dipping process for new frags. I know 100% that a coral QT is the way to go but every one I set up ends up being a frag tank...

My Wife thinks I'm a crazy person. She just so happened to come down to the basement when I was dipping in Bayer. There I was with my fan, gloves and my magnifier headband scrutinizing the tiniest imperfection on a monti. At this point I've upgraded from a simple handheld loupe to a headband that has lenses for both eyes. I thought I looked pretty cool but she clearly didn't!
You now are mandated to get a picture of this head band setup and make it your profile picture.