Glass Tank Top -- good idea/bad idea?


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My 125 has 3 sections and each has a glass hinged top -- I have had all 3 on the tank with the front portion open.

As it gets warmer -- I'm concerned that they will trap heat.

What do you do to keep the fish in the tank (assuming you don't have a canopy -- which I don't)?

Is the glass tops okay -- or should I ditch them? What is a good alternative?


Hey, just put in 2 golden-head gobies -- they were getting along beautifully at my LFS -- one has a very golden head -- the other does not -- possible pair?
Most folks use egg-crate. Its a plastic light diffuser that can be found at any big box hardware/home supply. Its easy to cut into shapes. It allows light and air to penetrate and keeps in most livestock.
Figured $20 was worth a try -- bought 2 of the light grates from Lowe's -- white sucks and I just don't like it. Only used one -- taking the other one back.

The reason I'm so concerned is these 2 golden-head gobies are dancing all over the place and they get so excited with each other they almost jump out! They have spent more time playing with each other than they have sifting my sand -- which is why I bought them (well, their cute too):)

I may try the topless approach -- my Outer Orbit light covers almost the entire top front to back.
I lost my Midas Blenny to a carpet surfing expedition. It went out the back of my tank by the overflow. My canopy is about 5" above the rim of my tank so I now use egg crate to block the back portion like Amberjack.
If my Lighting is real close to the water i try to use Glass tops to keep the salt... from geting on the lights and reflectors. Cleaning glass is easyer than cleaning lights.. IMO. Also the glass does not have to seal all the way. On one tank i have a 1" opnening in the front and back, so heat and degasing is not a issue. You do loss some light with glass and eggcrate. Maybe solar glass or ??? is better suited for light penatration.
I thought about starfire, i dont even no if they make starfire in 3/16" ill have to look into that, probably pretty pricy
I think I may go back to my glass top....and leave it open a little in the back and in the front to allow for heat loss and gas exchange (assuming that will be enough).

Frankly, I see a chiller in my future -- I hate to spend the money but I don't think I'm going to be able to keep this puppy cool enough this summer -- top or no top.

Any chiller recommendation for a 125?

i use a mesh tooling to cover the tank. you can make a frame out of about anything, and then just attach the tooling. it is a lot better than glass tops.
Could you describe the mesh you use -- perhaps include a picture.

here is a picture of the mesh tooling i am using. you can find it in most fabric stores. just go to one and look around at the different fabrics. i think i got 4 meters of it for $2. i am not sure how to post a picture here. send me your email and i will shot one over.
I used to have glass tops until last month. My par readings were 30% less because of the glass which makes a huge difference. I used the silver eggcrate from Lowes-$20. I have T-5s, but if you have MH, you should be fine with the glass tops because your par may be lower, but it has alot more par than T-5s. You can just get a fan to blow over your sump for heat issues. IMO-chillers are $$$ plus consumes more energy.