Google Calendar for Aquarium Keeping Events


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I currently have this set up for the Atlanta Area Aquarium Association, but given our overlap, I am trying to set up a google calendar for all Atlanta fishkeeping events.

Is"></a> the best source of info for ARC events? Are any events "closed", and open to ARC members only?

To access the calendar:
if you use Google Calendar already...
(copy and paste into that little box below "Other Calendars" in Google Calendar. Click the little square to the left of the name below that box when it shows up, and assign a color.)
Google Calendar ID

If you are using Outlook or some other calendar program, you can import the calendar with one of the two below links:

Import ical

Import html

The Calendar has the dates, times, and locations (including Google Maps addresses) of the AAAA meetings and functions, and the various national conventions. I'll add ARC info as I acquire it.

Thank you.