****Update. ARC Holiday Party Saturday December 16th @ 1pm

We still have a few spots open if anyone else would like to attend.

@saltwaterwannabe @sewer-urchin  please rsvp so you will be on the checkin list.  Thank you

Last minute information on parking.

Parking is available in the parking deck.  Parking is free for the first two hours.  After two hours are up you must pay $3.  If you plan on staying longer than the two hours it is a $3 charge you must buy a ticket from the machine and put the ticket on your dashboard.

****Its very important everyone gets a ticket if staying any longer than two hours as they boot cars.

****Please Do not park in the reserved spaces.  They are owned by residents.
I sent an email to everyone who rsvpd with parking instructions.  I look forward to seeing everyone today.
Great party, thanks to all responsible for all your time and effort setting it up and bringing it off,  your hard work for the club is greatly appreciated. Even better, I won again!
Great event! Met some great reefers, then stopped by Atlanta Aquarium and got a nice fat tricolor anenome. Special thanks to all making this happen.
Also had a great time! Big thanks to the club and everyone that made the event happen
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend!   It was great seeing everyone today and I hope everyone had a great time!

We will email all the winners of the gcs to Shacs, Pure Reef and Marine Depot tomorrow with instructions.  Congratulations to all the kids who were able to attend, we will send their $10 Amazon ecards out tomorrow.
Any word on the Pure Reef gift cards? My family wants to go on a drive and I'm anxious to buy stuff =). Two birds with one stone. As for the event, it was really nice and the food was delicious. I had a stomach virus these last few days so I didn't get much of a chance to talk with people out of fear of getting people sick.
Special thanks again to the club. Gift certificate helped me bring home this big gem from Atlanta Aquarium! Pic upload is blurry though.

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Any word on the Pure Reef gift cards? My family wants to go on a drive and I’m anxious to buy stuff =). Two birds with one stone. As for the event, it was really nice and the food was delicious. I had a stomach virus these last few days so I didn’t get much of a chance to talk with people out of fear of getting people sick.
Adrian it was great seeng you.  I sent texts to everyone I may have misread your phone number.  But, i will have all of them ready tomorrow.  I hope younfeel better!
Thanks to the people involved to make this happened.  It was a free event, free food and lots of raffles that many have the chance to win something, including myself. Couldn't ask for more!!! Thanks!!!
Dang I can’t believe I missed this!

The site is looking good, I’ve had my issues with login, but I think I’ve got it figured out.

This was on my Birthday! I’ve only missed a few parties, 7 years ago on my birthday I won big!

It’s always a great time :(
Im so sorry you couldnt make it this year Debbie!  Happy belated birthday!  Im sure we will see you next year!  :)