****Update. ARC Holiday Party Saturday December 16th @ 1pm

I have sent an email or pm to every member who won gcs at the holiday party.  Credits to each lfs have been setup for each of you.  I am still working on the kids $10 ecards for each of them and hope to have them completed shortly.

Thank you for everyone who was able to attend and bring their families with them.  I really look forwar to 2018 and what the future holds for our community.
The kids ecards have been sent out and each parent will recieve a text message with the ecard attached.
Here is half of what I got with my $50 Pure Reef gift certificate, it was a 2.5" × 5-6"  rock I split in half, almost completely covered in Zoa's.  With ARC discount and GC it cost me $8. Thanks ARC
alt="20171229_180040" />and Pure Reef!