Got a tank!!

ok so ive been thinking of how im going to design my sump

this is what i got so far.

(30 gallon tank)

ps: ill probably have a sock on the d.t. drain and some foam in the bubble trap
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Move the fuge to the right side and put the return pump in the middle. Only use one pump but put a tee in the return line and route that through a ballvalve back to the fuge. That way not all your flow goes through the fuge and you can use the ball valve to adjust how much flow it sees. Put the skimmer in the left compartment and seperate it from the return pum with the bubble trap. Only one devider is needed between the fuge and the pump because you won't be getting a ton of bubbles in the fuge. Hope that helps.
Looks like you are off to a great start.
Here is the fuge I put together for my 75. I made it out of a 40 breeder. As Nelson suggested...consider putting the return chamber in the center. With a line tee'd off to your fuge chamber you can slow the flow down a bit. Just something to think about.

Building is more fun than finishing to me!!!
(Thats whay I never finish):doh:
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