Green filamentous algae


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Different species of filamentous green algae in the reef aquarium

I don't claim to be any kind of expert on the subject, just making some observations and I would appreciate it if we can expand on the subject if anyone has anything they would like to add.

Green hair algae ( GHA) is a term that is applied very loosely in this hobby. What hobbyist typically refer to as green hair algae is very thin, easy to pull apart, and clumps (hard to separate into individual strands) in and out of water. There is no noticeable root structure. It is difficult to see any sort of chain like quality to the individual strands which appear more thread like to the naked eye. Here are some pictures of what I believe to be typical green hair algae (perhaps a Derbesia sp. ?)

Species A

In water (coming off the frag plug, any other algae in the picture may be a or b)
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Out of water
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In biology, the term "hair" is just a replacement for filamentous*, and filamentous algae is a term that describes a wide range of green algae.

*Filamentous algae are single algae cells that form long visible chains, threads, or filaments. These filaments intertwine forming a mat that resembles wet wool.

Further, there are two commonly encountered species of Bryopsis that have different macro features: B. pennata and B. plumosa

Both have a wider, thicker midrib and noticeably thinner branches. B. plumosa has more symmetrical, evenly distributed branches and is more easily identified by the aquarist who is looking for "fern like" features, while B. pennata has more sparse, irregular branches.

Here are some pictures of what I believe to be either Bryopsis pennata or a less common Bryopsis or Derbesia species that is difficult to eliminate from the aquarium. Note that the strands are thick and coarse, easily separated, and a chain-like structure can be seen with the naked eye and more clearly with the help of a magnifying glass. There is a noticeable root structure.

Species B

In water
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Out of water
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Side by side (Sp A: left, Sp B: right)
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If anyone can confirm any genus or species level identification of species A or B, has any thing they would like to add, including anecdotal information from experience or research, please feel free. I'm not an expert by any means and these attempts to categorize/identify these species of algae are inferences based on research and very little experience dealing with them in the aquarium.

Also feel free to add more picture of green filamentous algae labeled in order of starting with Species C and what kind of algae you think it is.

All comments are welcome

Thanks for reading
Josh, you make some great points, I am sure that many times something other than GHA is misdiagnosed as GHA. I would love to see this expanded and some subject matter experts weigh in. It would also be nice to have a photo record of the different algae types. Your pictures are excellent, nice close up focus. I'd like to know what that red stuff is.
dball711;976310 wrote: Josh, you make some great points, I am sure that many times something other than GHA is misdiagnosed as GHA. I would love to see this expanded and some subject matter experts weigh in. It would also be nice to have a photo record of the different algae types. Your pictures are excellent, nice close up focus. I'd like to know what that red stuff is.

Dragons breath macro on the big frag disc with species B. Probably should have isolated each example from other algae in the pictures, there's a bit of "species A" floating around in the water for the in water example of species A too.. Lol


Oh! Actually that's not dragons breath. It's something else. I'll post some pictures.

(And then back to focusing on green filamentous algae)
Had some trouble getting a good picture, this was the best one.

It's just like drqgons breath with the orange growth tips except it grows in round clumps. Pretty cool, accidentally pulled this ball apart in two peices removing it so it's not so round.

Unfortunately I can't really trust anything from this tank to go in the new build except for soft corals and my clam after QT because of the algae
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Where did that frag plug come from in the first pic.Is that from your tank.Reason I ask, I bought a frag from a LFS and it had a tiny stran of green algae on it.Didn't think nothing of it, and now im fighting the biggest battle that any reefer could imagine.
For that reason when i dip my new corals i scrub the plugs with a small toothbrush as well.
Great pics Josh! I too am following along......
Fishlips;976504 wrote: Where did that frag plug come from in the first pic.Is that from your tank.Reason I ask, I bought a frag from a LFS and it had a tiny stran of green algae on it.Didn't think nothing of it, and now im fighting the biggest battle that any reefer could imagine.

The plug came if rim my tank. It's a giant 4" plug that Rick (LagunaReef) gave me, but the algae grew on it in my tank.

It came in on a coral I bought from a LFS. Happens. I saw it and thought i could scrub it off like jimmy said but it came back with a vengeance
JimmyStephens;976537 wrote: For that reason when i dip my new corals i scrub the plugs with a small toothbrush as well.
Great pics Josh! I too am following along......

Thanks Jimmy
JDavid;976562 wrote: The plug came if rim my tank. It's a giant 4" plug that Rick (LagunaReef) gave me, but the algae grew on it in my tank.

It came in on a coral I bought from a LFS. Happens. I saw it and thought i could scrub it off like jimmy said but it came back with a vengeance

Exactly what happened to me.How are you fighting it.
Seriously, :eek:And how big is your tank.I don't want to even think that I will have to do it.
JC_k;976588 wrote: How many tanks do you have?

With or without water in them? Lol. A lot less than I used to.. Right now just the 10 and 29 with water.. Another biocube and a 55-60 column, standard 10 and 29, and a rimless 60 cube on top of that without water. And I used to have a lot more. I think I do a lot more collecting stuff I never use than stuff I actually use...
Well, that , me fell better.You upgradeing anyway.Mine is a 180, Im still fighting.Good info and pics.
JDavid;976595 wrote: With or without water in them? Lol. A lot less than I used to.. Right now just the 10 and 29 with water.. Another biocube and a 55-60 column, standard 10 and 29, and a rimless 60 cube on top of that without water. And I used to have a lot more. I think I do a lot more collecting stuff I never use than stuff I actually use...

Why don't you set them up? And 60cube would be a god little
Fishlips;976605 wrote: Well, that , me fell better.You upgradeing anyway.Mine is a 180, Im still fighting.Good info and pics.

I would loan you a sea hare if you weren't in BFE.
Ringo®;976651 wrote: I would loan you a sea hare if you weren't in BFE.

Thanks.Its not my ldea to live here.Its my wife.I am deep in the woods.This is one of those dis advantage
Get a couple Mexican turbo snails and call it a day. My frag tank is filled with stuff I buy from specialty sps guys online and they all have had some hair algae on them eventually. And the only thing I feed this tank is oyster feast for the corals.
Got a Mexican turbo and the hair was gone in a day. Now I probably have to put him in my tank upstairs until his services are needed again.
I have Mexican turbos in there.They would have to eat non stop for a month to put a a dent in it