Green filamentous algae

saltbubbles;977370 said:
At one point I had red turf algae all over my rocks and after research, diligent water changes, four turbos and lots of patience, I got rid of it.

Any type of algae that is not decorative nor has a purpose in my tank will receive hydrogen peroxide blasting.[/
Well Bryopsis kind of stands out as it is really tough to get rid of and some have found certain tactics to work, like TechM hyper-dosing.

Dinoflagellates can be a real pain in the rear, I haven't seen that too often and I don't have a special method of successfully dealing with that, personally.

If it's green and hairy, it's there because of an imbalance of some sort - too much nutrient in the water, maybe old lights... a combination of things. The strategy is always the same: address the excess nutrients that are feeding it, and find a way to export the algae and nutrients.

I've torn more than my share of tanks down, scrubbed the rock, and put it all back together. Sometimes several times over the course of a few weeks for the same tank, but if you persist, you'll win. It isn't fun, but it works. The trick to preventing a recurrence is to figure out why it happened in the first place and change that.

After all, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, right?

Lol absolute Jenn! Hope to never experience it haha

saltbubbles;977370 wrote: At one point I had red turf algae all over my rocks and after research, diligent water changes, four turbos and lots of patience, I got rid of it.

Any type of algae that is not decorative nor has a purpose in my tank will receive hydrogen peroxide blasting.[/

This was a post from SALTBUBBLES I don't know why my comment doesn't show under it. :boo: