Hanging kit for new orphek OR3 LED

I'm not sure highly you think of BRS but they recommend the Hydras 26 to be mounted 14" above the water line for the best light spread.
We had lowered them to increase PAR but with these new strips we can probably get away with having them higher. Less likely to get splashed and more clearance to work in the tank. Things in general seem pretty happy with the way they are positioned now. We have the 4 evenly spaced as much as possible currently. The tank has a center brace across the top.
Disclaimer: I did not build the rig holding the lights up. Just the frame connecting the Orpheks.

Wanted to see what it looked like so used some carabiniers that will be swapped out later. I tried making custom cables but my trig was off and they were too long resulting in the whole thing sitting too low.

It's late. The Hydras will probably go on tomorrow.

Wow! The before and after shots show an amazing difference for the better! Great job!
What photoperiod did you do when starting the OR3s? They look great on but since they are not dimmable I wanted to ramp up the time they run each day vs. just turning them on full blast all day. Think starting at an hour and increasing 30 minutes a day would be sufficient?
This is my lighting schedule:

At noon my main lights turns on and ramp up to 100% by 2pm.
At 2pm one of my OR3 turns on (Outlet timer)
At 2:30pm the other OR3 turns on (Outlet timer)
At 7pm The OR3 that turn on at 2pm turns off
At 7:30pm the other on turns off
At 8pm my main light do a 3 hour ramp down
At 11pm my lunar lights kicks in to 2am
Ok. So 5 hours for either OR3, and 11 hours for the main lights with a 2 hour ramp up and 3 hour ramp down. The Hydras support a lunar function but it's just a percentage reduction of whatever program is at that time. In our case, the lights are off entirely by 11pm so reducing it further won't do anything. Would need to set the program to run longer. Did you go a period of time with the OR3s at less than 5 hours run time or just adding them on for that duration was fine?
I think because you already have 4 AI, so you might want to get your corals use to the increase in PAR, maybe start with 2 hours and increase an hour each week.
That's me being overly cautious.
I think because you already have 4 AI, so you might want to get your corals use to the increase in PAR, maybe start with 2 hours and increase an hour each week.
That's me being overly cautious.
Yeah. The Hydras are about 2 inches higher now than they were with the new setup. Better spread overall even with the Orpheks off. I'll ramp it up over a few weeks to be safe.