Has LED finally arrived?


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I've been wanting to try an LED light for one of my reefs for a while, but until just recently I didnt think there were any out there worth considering.

I've seen three different products that look like they have potential to be a real fixture that will grow SPS corals, and if they can grow SPS corals, you won't have to worry about LPS or Softies.

Here is what I personally believe is the most advanced LED lighting system on the planet: the AquaIllumination Modular LED System (http://www.aquaillumination.com/">http://www.aquaillumination.com/</a>). And you don't have to worry about them being sued, because they are licensed by Orbitec. They just started shipping their newly redesigned modular LED systems. They are using the newly released Cree XP-G module for white light that emits 132 lumens/watt.

Here is a Reefbuilders blurb about it:


The other two strong contenders, IMO, are the Ecoxotic fixtures ([IMG]http://ecoxotic.com/">http://ecoxotic.com/</a>) and the Eco-Lamps fixtures ([IMG]http://www.eco-lamps.com/">http://www.eco-lamps.com/</a>). Ecoxotic is a Current USA company, and Eco-Lamps is a company based in Taiwan.

The big difference, and I mean BIG difference (IMO), between these AI lights and others currently being sold or about to be on the market, is that other than AI, your LED intensity (white/blue mix) is set, and the only way to alter it with the Ecoxotic fixture is to buy and add or replace LED strips at $99 a pop. The Eco-Lamps KR92, which is the high intensity model line of significance for SPS keepers, has a daylight or blue light or moonlight mode and that is it.

The AI unit comes with a controller with which you can independently dial the intensity of the blue and white LEDS between 0-100%. In other words, the AI unit has Kelvin on demand. 10K, 14K, 20K, you pick it. And the controller can simulate a 29 day lunar cycle, and it has a USB port for firmware upgrades.

The Ecoxotic Unit has not had any PAR testing done that I can find, and it is so new that there is no long term documentation on it, so it is as of yet unproven, as is the newly updated AI Modular LED System.

There is some user experience with the Eco-Lamps fixtures here on this Australian reef website where they did a large Eco-Lamps group buy. Interesting read: [IMG]http://www.masa.asn.au/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=207601&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30">http://www.masa.asn.au/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=207601&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30</a>

Chris at Einstein will be carrying the Ecoxotic Units, and I am getting the newly released 24" AquaIllumination Modular system. It would be great to get some comparable PAR readings between the two and document some SPS/LPS growth under them. I originally preordered the 72" AI system (6 modules) for my 210 SPS tank, but decided it would be more financially prudent to get the 24" system and evaluate it on one of my smaller reefs. The system being modular, more units and a longer tank mount rail can be purchased separately if you get a larger tank.

I am excited and can't wait to get my first LED system!
DrNecropolis;433223 wrote: Just wondering with out looking..

Did Sanjay ever do any readings on the Solaris?

I'm not sure. I think the Solaris line was steadily improving in terms of intensity and build quality, but outside the lawsuit, one huge weakness of the entire Solaris line was that the fixtures were not upgradable to the latest LED technology. You literally had to purchase a new unit to keep up with each new model that PFO put out as the Solaris fixtures got better. And these units were thousands of dollars.

That is another area where the AI Modules shine. They are upgradable. AI is releasing upgrade kits for owners of the previous AI modules so they don't get left behind.
Pretty cool man. It is the edge of things to come. I really like the adjustable kelvin and 29 day lunar cycle. Really neat features. There is nothing like bells and whistles! I bet it can cost a bundle right now.

Good info. I hope it produces for you. For there sake too, cuz I am betting you will let them know.
Looking to follow this thread with great interest. Keep us informed! Thanks.
What got me excited about LEDs was when I built my sump for my 60 gallon cube. I have a small refugium for macroalgae, and I decided to try a Current USA Powerbrite 10K LED as the refugium light. This is 4 high intensity white LEDs, and they grow macros really well. I just harvested half the macroalgae from the refugium. These pictures are taken without flash.
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What is the dims on that fuge? I was wondering to consider what space those leds would light up
Smoothie;433276 wrote: What is the dims on that fuge? I was wondering to consider what space those leds would light up

It is small, about 12" x 5" x 11". Not bad, especially since the LED strip makes 52 lumens/watt and only uses 4 watts.
What's intresting is that these companies are able to bypass patent troll Orbitec by making them just slightly different looking than PFO did with the Solaris and Constilation fixtures.. Shows they have no real concern other than scamming money and annoying us hobbiest..(Orbitec that is)
Acroholic;433281 wrote: It is small, about 12" x 5" x 11". Not bad, especially since the LED strip makes 52 lumens/watt and only uses 4 watts.
Thanks. I think that is the way I'll go:D
Another note though.. What does it say about PFO putting all their eggs in one basket with the LED? The HQI pendent are awsome.. They had some much nice halide stuff and gambled big time with the LED and it killed them.. From what I understand..
ares;433258 wrote: first, Im skeptical of current USA fixtures. 2nd I checked them out a few days ago, and they are running 1w LEDs, which concerns me, as most cutting edge LEDs are 3w now. they might be underdriving them, which is fine... improves efficiency, but I dont think I like their general platform so much :/

AI is using a much better setup IMO, If I had a few grand to drop on lighting, no question that would my first place to look.

with that said, Im not sure the savings is there in energy to ever justify it on that basis given up front costs and potential future costs if it does have to be replaced in the next 5-10 years. and aside from that, existing lighting just works too darn well.

all in, your looking around 1200 for 24" of LED lighting, vs about 300 for the same MH or T5 lighting. and its 180w vs... 250w I figure would be comparable? 70w difference, so .07kw/H difference, 10 hour photoperiod. thats .7kWH per day, at an average energy cost of .10cents per KwH, 7 cents saved per day.

based on that math you save 25$ a year in energy and adding 75 a year for bulb savings, not accounting for interest, your looking at 10 years to pay for itself. LEDs have a 13 year shelf life based on their rated 50,000 hour life at 10 hours a day. however, that is their half life, meaning at 13 years, they would be half as bright as they started. acceptable? I donno...

just some math to mull over, it IS a gadget, and I realize as good as anyone that you cant put a price on a new toy :)

I think you would have to factor in the probability or possibility of not having to purchase and operate a chiller as well $$$$$$$$$.
grouper therapy;433290 wrote: I think you would have to factor in the probability or possibility of not having to purchase and operate a chiller as well $$$$$$$$$.

I sold my old halides and chiller setup when I got my solaris 3 years ago. Its still cranking. Ive got the old G series unit but I do like the controller very much as compared to an all on/all off effect.
I've been following LEDs for a while, as well, and I really think they are the future of lighting, not just for the aquarium.

The current problem is cost. They're extremely inexpensive to create, but since they're still not a common household item, manufacturers/retailers can and do charge way too much for them. Add to that the ridiculous mark up on aquarium supplies, and you can buy a light fixture for the same price as a fairly decent used car.

They are extremely versatile, though, and I can't wait for the price to come down, even though I think it will be another five or ten years before we truly embrace them.
Here's a link to a pretty good thread by a guy that has done a lot of work with LEDs

There are systems (unfortunately I can't remember the name) that are fully customizable. But they are hugely expensive. I'll try to get the name and get back to you.
dawgdude;433340 wrote: Here is my question. Is there a unit out there that can start off with actinic, ramp up to 20k then hit 10k for about an hour and a half a day and then ramp back down to 20k and off to actinic. That would be optimum IMO.

The AquaIlluminations Module is compatible with the Profilux controller, but I'm not sure if it can do the above.
Corigan;433316 wrote: Sorry to run off topic but **** Stevhan, good to cya around man!
Yeah I like to chime in on here from time to time. You know through in 2 cents...though the market value on my 2 cents tends to vary.

On the PFO they had a lot of other lighting items out there and the aquarium part was only part of thier business. The Solaris should have been tested a little more. Some of the power supplies were released with the fans in backwards so they burnt up and then they kept coming out with new versions every couple of months. I deal with a handfull of them from time to time and they are all different when programming. Consistency is one of the best ways to keep up product repair. The power supplies cost around $275 to replace and we have swapped several but fortunatly for me Ive only had 1 problem with mine and fixed it under warranty...back when there was one.
I would love to be able to link more lights into my unit (like piggyback) doesnt seem like it would be too hard and it could give me more lighting but Im still waiting on that boat.