Help! eggs and injury


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Hello all,
was away for 4 days and came home to this...
which I believe is a clutch of eggs! and , unfortunately, a pretty good injury to one of my clowns (who im assuming to be the female)
I have no experience in either situation! Can you all help?
I'm willing to do anything for either.
these are located at the very top of my tank by the outlet (where these guys always hang out) even tho i have an anemone or two they have chosen to stay away from
"Eggs" are in green
injury is in red
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i believe it to be so, but not as sure about the perc....these could be awesome eggs, hence my extreme concern
PM BobZ and Budsreef - they may be able to shed some light.
From my biology lessons I would say that is impossible, but they said the same about 300 years ago about flying.
the onyx ive had since day one...back in '04, so Im guessing about 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 years. "she" is about 3 times larger than the "perc/orange". "he" is only about 3 max. My original pulled a nemo...quite literally.
The pair is known as nemo...and moe, respectively.
FYI i have my original blue and yellow tangs also that are about the size of your palm. ( i believe the injury is due to the Blue, or one of the large snails getting to close.
72gal bowfront that NEEDS a water change badly...but assuming spells doom to eggs so close to the top!!
lilrobb, none the less, whatever it is is attached to the tank and "flowing" along with the tide. Last night i caught a snail up there "abusing" what ever it is and they were really pissed..I kicked off the snail , and they proceeded to "prune" the clutch of the damaged parts..
go figure
Honestly, see if an experienced person (Budsreef, DanaM770) will take those eggs for you. Rearing baby clowns is like a second job, and you need the equipment and knowledge.

As far as the injury to the clown, what is her behavior? If she is acting ok, then let her be IMHO. If shes acting stressed, then take action, maybe start with an antibiotic of some sort. JennM would be a good source to go to

Basically, those fish are both Percs, I see no reason they can't mate
Yes, they are eggs. They look like they are at least 3 days old. It takes a lot to raise them. Your best bet is to let these go. They will eat them.

They will lay about every 8 days if the water quality doesn't change. I understand there are some guys on this site will raise them for you.
I would also PM Baboon Science (John Lauth). John is always looking to collect eggs to raise and he is THE EXPERT. I'd take them but I will be out of town. It looks like the female should be ok and heal. The pair should continue to spawn like 1Percula sez. These should hatch between 7 and 9 days, but hard to say how long they have been there for sure. I'll send a PM to John and give him a heads up.

how long till they hatch? gestation period? Id really like to try, i have the resources, rather than watch them get eaten. especially if my onyx passess due to her injury. She does seem a little agitated but not lethargic or anything yet
typically, about 8 days. The tricky part is getting the larva out of the tank before they are eaten. If you are going to try, I can hook you up with some rotifers. Let me know.
Looks like a black occelaris and true perc pair. Nice. If I'm not mistaken, the eggs look very close to hatching. Probably too late for them. I'm not sure about the wound on the occelaris. What other fish do you have?
i would like to only other tank at the moment is a nano...that unfortunately has two perculas in it:)
1 blue regal (palm size, same age as onyx)
1 yellow (same story)
5 x large snails
couple shrimp +a starfish
only concern is the blue tang, shes aggressive and always hungry

Im on it buddy
Yes, we wish you luck, and please post your progress to the group.......

You know, 20 years ago, we could barely keep a few sprigs of Xenia alive in a tank, yet we've made leaps and bounds. Who knows, 10 years from now we might be giving away clown fish in this hobby because they are such ready, prolific breeders, and we've learned the proper husbandry.

Hats off to all who try!
can the position of the eggs survive a water change? can i scrape the eggs of the glas without damaging them?
jimbracco;324533 wrote: thanks all! im truly inspired!

Great, now when you are up at 2AM screamin "SWIM IN THE FREAKIN LARVA TRAP ALREADY" , please come back and read here for more inspiration!

And........ you're quite welcome