Help me pick a fish! You know you want to!!!


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Recently setup a 6g nano cube at my office right now its got about 6lbs of LR with lots of softies zoas, shrooms, xenia, ricordia, maze brain coral. I am looking to add one fish. I dont really want your avg everyday fish. I was looking into Scorpion fish something like what melissa had. Now I realize some of those may be to big for a 6g so offcourse I am taking that into consideration. I am open to all suggestions and if you have a nice unique fish you are looking to rehome please do suggest. Thanks
Is it too small for a fuzzy dwarf lionfish? I really don't know much about them... (though I imagine that water would get polluted pretty quickly...) You going to be able to control evaporation/temp/pH in a tank that small?
That would be my main concern with a larger fish whose metabolism may not be a good match for such a small tank...

Hey, what about a pipefish or something like that? I know feeding may be an issue there, though...

Maybe I'm not being much help afterall!
haha any suggestion is a good suggestion. A dwarf would be cool but I know they are very messy. Probably all carnivores fish will be really messy but I figure there must be some sort of happy medium. The 6g nano sits on my desk at the office so temp is easy to control (i got a heater), ph shouldnt be hard to control either. And evaporation I got a top off jug with RO/DI water in it. So hopefully no issues. Pipefish not really my style but cool fish.
I have a yellow watchman pistol pair already so I am lookign for something new but this is always a consideration. I have had a bi-color before and they are awesome but thats still not really what I am looking for. Thanks for the suggestions keep em coming!
box fish very small puffer
blue ring octopus be carefull but very cool
flaco626nj;87320 wrote: mantis
box fish very small puffer
blue ring octopus be carefull but very cool
yes i have been considering a mantis but I want to keep corals and mantis dont always play nice. I will look into a box fish but it doesnt sound to reef safe. And the blue ring would be amazing but thats a bit to bold to try for an office tank.
Blueeyes;87324 wrote: How about a cow fish.
wow that is so cool looking must do some research

They are great fish, but will rapidly outgrow that size aquarium, eating everything in sight. I used to have one that would come to the surface to be petted.
yeah minimum tank size on Liveaquaria says a 125g. So thats a no go
flaco626nj;87332 wrote: cool fish but very toxic if he dies eveything dies but cool looking

I have heard that in books, but never actual seen anyone say that this happened to them. I think just the skin is toxic if eaten. I have had some die on me over the years and nothing bad happened.
dwarf lion may work if it is very tiny just not sure about how reef safe or how fast they grow.
How about an angler? They are cool and can be trained to eat out of your hand.