help sps turning white


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My sps turning white from the button up I check all my parameters and everything looks good any ideas?
Sounds like STN or RTN depending on how fast it's turning it white. If's RTN...if it takes a couple of days then it's STN. Best thing to do when you see it is frag it off above where the white stops. You can try superglue over the white area and be sure to cover to the edge of the skin. This is most likely caused by a swing in Alk but there are other factors that could cause it.
My alkalinity is been between 9 and 10 I use dousing pumps I use red and salifer to check everything
And yes it happens in a period of 24 hrs I yes lost 3 colony's, blue millie, rose millie and know my purple crazy start to night don't know what to do
When it's super fast like that there's not a lot you can do. Maybe try fragging those pieces if you have another tank to drop "backup" pieces in.
And I'm sorry I should add that I really hate this for you man. Hopefully it doesn't spread too much :(
Dang Angel I hate to hear this! What happened with your Purple Crazy? Is it gone?
Do you have a QT or another tank cycled? I've got a cycled 29 cube I can clear out if ya need it.
Let me know if I can help in anyway.
No changing in lights.
Here is some pictures I hope you can see them
Angel, I feel for you, very frustrating.

If there is anything I can help you out with let me know.

Thank you Dennis don't know what is going on but I'm loosing one after another one.
As I noted before....there are two solutions....frag what is still alive making sure NOT to include any white skeleton on the frag. OR you can superglue over all the white and cover the very beginning of the good skin. This could stop it. You're experiencing RTN. If you Alk is testing at 9 dkH on a RedSea kit, then it's low because those kits have a history of testing high by about 3 dkH.
Ok I will glue and frag but I'm also using salifer test kit how accurate is this one
angel;986716 wrote: Ok I will glue and frag but I'm also using salifer test kit how accurate is this one

Sorry about your corals Angel, but you are good with your Salifert alkalinity test. It is a good one. You can always check the accuracy by using the standard they include.
I didn't have any luck with the super flue technique. Slight success with fragging. Some frags died all the way still and some stn'd a little.

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that sucks! sorry Angel!

anytime that I have ever had issues, it's been top down (usually means high phates, trates, temp, and/or Alk)...

maybe some sps eating flatworms?

I'm sorry to her about this happening, about 2 months ago I started to go through something similar, and it made me start thinking about this more.. First some of the SPS looked real pale and washed out. Couldn't figure out what was going on. As it turned out I had knocked the uptake tube for Alk bottle loose so that is was just pumping air, my bad. About a little while later same thing but happen but I saw the symptoms come on fast test, the RTN and STN showed up, my opinion is that RTN/STN ( and even the opportunistic bacterial infections) are we see when something attacks and weakens the coral. I couldn't believe it it traveled that fast. I noticed it in the afternoon after picking the kids up from school and their bedtime several 4 inch millies were gone, Red Planet and the Hawkins as well. The second time, alk and it was low and the Mag was off as well, the only thing I could find was the discharge tube for alk was getting splashed and I had carbonate stone blocking the tube. Quick soak in vinegar and some minor tweaking and it's still working. So far things are coming back, so maybe I turned the corner.

I wanted to to find out what others do in this situation and came across an good article. It shows that it can happen to anyone."></a>

Here's what Sanjay did:
[QUOTE=]In retrospect, what would I do if I am faced with this problem again? Here is a short list of actions I would take and my rationale for doing so:

- Increase the frequency of water changes. There may be some merit to &#8220;the solution to the problem is dilution&#8221;
- Drop the temperature to about 72F. Cooler temperatures tend to slow down the activity and it may just give the coral holobiont a better chance to combat the bacterial imbalance
- Do not frag and try to save the coral frags in the same system. Create a separate system for them. If in fact it is a bacterial/viral infection then reintroducing a freshly fragged and stressed coral back into the same environment may make it more susceptible to disease. I was not very successful doing this.
- Let the heavily fragged corals heal before adding new colonies or frags. Introduction of new corals from the wild or different systems has the potential to bring in new bacteria that may be fine on the existing coral ,but may not play nice with the stressed corals.
- Do nothing else and let it run its course. This may be the least stressful on the tank and the owner. Random haphazard actions may be more detrimental. [/QUOTE]

I might add:
-Imagine for the worst, a complete tank wipeout.... and plan for that.

-Find a few members that have been in the game for a while and frag some of the more unique colonies and give it to them, so that you can get a frag or two back when you need it. Like I coral bank, you make deposits and only do withdraws when you need them.
Man, I'm sorry to hear this and know the feeling all too well.

Seems I'm seeing more and more of this from people with a heavy amount of acros.
Increase flow in the tank. And make sure it's in such a manner as so it's not blasting directly at a coral. As colonies grow and more corals are added, the amount of flow getting to all these corals decreases. The bases usually being the most impacted area.

The pictures really look like low Alk symptoms though. I'd be curious to see what a Salifert test would say.