help sps turning white

Not right at all!
If you have been buying 30 gallons+ a week from that same LFS that lies to you, that sure could be your problem. Who knows what "oops" ah well... quality of water you got in the past.
Surely they sell plain RO water for top off, check the TDS. They could easily have two RODI, one for salt mix and one for regular but you could ask to test their all RO's! Assuming you won't be going back of course. Are they a sponsor?
I wouldn't go to a store that I know lied to me. As a matter of fact there is a LFS that I won't ever step foot into because of just that!
I didn't think there was a fish store in atlanta that wasn't a sponsor

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Everyone that I know of that has maintained sps has this problem sooner or later and usually over and over again sometimes after several years of stability. The larger your colonies get the more strain on your system. It's very easy to get this kind of sps problem started and very difficult to stop it quickly.

Get used to it. Our systems are never truly stable and sps is sensitive. My Millie's always seem to be the first to go when something goes awry and also seem to spontaneously combust for no reason if you know what I mean.

The more experienced you get the better you will become but I even know after 20+ years of doing this I will have this problem again.