Bottom line: higher dosage levels like 90,000 microwatts (less flow) for protozoa treatment, lower dosage levels 35-45,000 microwatts (more flow) for reef health.

There is another thread here that may be helpful that @ichthyoid started here:

You can read and research more once you have the UV going and make adjustments from there.
Hate seeing anyone deal with this - as many have mentioned I'd be reading and asking on Humblefish's forum - my personal choice would be to dig in to the work a couple people there are doing with low doses of Hydrogen Peroxide along with UV.

I think clean up crew replenishment is one of the top ways we are getting diseases in our tanks - almost no cleanup crew can deal with medication and no shops are truly separating / quarantining these copper sensitive creatures.

The other option (it can be a tough choice but it is a choice) is to let it run it's course. Keep everything healthy as possible along the way and let it settle down. Sounds like you have a mature and stable tank - after an initial infection many fish will combat the parasites and you very well may never see a sign again.

I transitioned to as close to a disease tank as I could (fallow, TTM, meds, then only buy quarantined fish and cleanup crew from online vendors that do not house fish) but prior to that I know my tanks had ich - saw it pop up once on a couple fish, it disappeared and I never saw signs again.
Hey All!!

I wanted to provide an update. I had the UV up and running by Sunday morning. Yesterday was the first day of no spots on any fish. Today there are still no spots on any fish. All old spots seemed to have healed over night.

I plan to continue the metro medication for the entire 2 week cycle.

Thanks so far for the help, I will try to keep everyone updated as the days go on. Are there any other suggestions moving forward after I stop the metro next week?
Ich cycles approximately every 72 hours, so just keep an eye out. Glad things are improving for you.
Hey All!!

I wanted to provide an update. I had the UV up and running by Sunday morning. Yesterday was the first day of no spots on any fish. Today there are still no spots on any fish. All old spots seemed to have healed over night.

I plan to continue the metro medication for the entire 2 week cycle.

Thanks so far for the help, I will try to keep everyone updated as the days go on. Are there any other suggestions moving forward after I stop the metro next week?
Also, I’ve read that vacuuming the sandbed in the evening helps as well. I read that’s when the tomonts are usually settling down there.