Help with persistent cyano madness


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My 75G has been great for the last few months, I haven't changed anything and about 10 days ago started getting cyano on the sand. In about 24 hours I had cyano over the entire sand bed. I siphoned it out which results in a 10% water change. Over the next 24 hours, I had cyano not just on the sand but every rock! ... again I cleaned, powerhead to the rocks ... rinse and repeat twice a day to control this stuff.

So about 4 days ago, I dosed with ChemiClean - turned off skimmer, removed carbon etc. - 24+ hours later no effect, I dosed again ... it almost looked like the growth slowed down but another 24 hours and I literally cannot clean this tank fast enough.

As for readings ... all good, no measurable PO4 etc. Replacement water is all RO + RedSea Salt.

Right now I'm breaking the skimmer back in and have my carbon canister filters on to clean out chemicals, let the water rest a little and then I don't know what ...

Corals and fish all seemed just fine but my anemone's are all hiding so I suspect things are close to going south big time :unsure:

when stuff closes. i dont even guess anymore. just easier to water change. the bigger the better.
seems like you have a ton of stuff that went on.

usually i see cyano outbreaks with tanks that are new, super clean, or use carbon dosing happily until they hit super clean.

my .02
Good luck using your skimmer for awhile if you dosed Chemiclean twice in 48 hours. I have an HOB model and only dosed once. It took a month, three water changes and carbon before I could use mine again.

It does take awhile to see the results with Chemiclean but it does work.
Chemiclean works if you use it poroperly. Follow the instructions. Siphon out as much as you can, turn off carbon, uv, dose proper amount and wait. It says it could take up to 48 hrs. Continue to run your protein skimmer but be advised it will need to be adjusted because it will do nuts. Then do a 20% w/c afterwards and turn back on uv, carbon etc.

Also I would recommend examining your flow in your tank, cyano tendo to grow in areas not receiving enough.
Sounds like he has dynos ... It it were cyano then chemiclean would have killed it off

So long, and thanks for all the fish.
SnowManSnow;1071887 wrote: Sounds like he has dynos ... It it were cyano then chemiclean would have killed it off

So long, and thanks for all the fish.

That's what I'm thinking. That stuff works
What color is the algae? That should clear a lot of this up
Here is a pic - very red, light red slime forms on the glass during the day. It's been 5 days now with ChemiClean. I have enough water ready to go for any size water change, not sure if it will help.

class="gc-images" title="IMG_0975.png[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a>

typemismatch;1071899 wrote: Here is a pic - very red, light red slime forms on the glass during the day. It's been 5 days now with ChemiClean. I have enough water ready to go for any size water change, not sure if it will help.

class="gc-images" title="IMG_0975.png[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a>


whats your flow like?
I have a Vortech MP40W on the left side and a MP10W on the right side, they're in reef crest mode and there seems to be enough flow to just about move the sand, I had them cranked right up but it was moving too much sand around. I know the cyano looks like it should be ripped right off the sand bed but it hangs on.
Nope, besides a small amount of flake food, kalk (via ATO) and water changes nothing else goes into the water.
typemismatch;1071976 wrote: I have a Vortech MP40W on the left side and a MP10W on the right side, they're in reef crest mode and there seems to be enough flow to just about move the sand, I had them cranked right up but it was moving too much sand around. I know the cyano looks like it should be ripped right off the sand bed but it hangs on.

man thats some hardcore cyano.
is your rig 3-4 months old?
What kind of rock, any chance you are using Pukani? I have heard some stories of that leaching phosphates if the set up is newer.
Yeah this is cyano on steroids - that pic I posted, I sucked it all out after that, 25%-30% water change, 2 hours later, looked exactly the same!

Tank is just coming on 4 months - had the usual dino and I think some cyano in the first month, hair algae etc, things settled down and it's been great until this.

Rock is all legit live rock, I hope :)

imo. when i set a salt water tank up. i do it with the understanding that the first 12 months is gonna be trash. blooms, outbreaks, the works.

i know thats not something anyone wants to hear. but thats what i come to terms with. of course we can cut corners, but we carry some risk.

usually month 3-5 cyano has to establish if it is a new tank ime. i have cyano, you will have it, everyone will.

some things that might mitigate it are proteins and carbon. but it has to establish. i have no microscope to prove this. i could just be talking out my rear. but i do believe we all have cyano at all times. we just dont see it after equilibrium is achieved.

some stuff i did was churn the sandbed. if it was a thick matte, id remove it.
yeah thanks - I'm fine with the 12 month timeline :) - I was expecting the long haul but it seemed I had skipped the rough months, guess I was wrong .... will just keep live stock .. alive :)
typemismatch;1071999 wrote: yeah thanks - I'm fine with the 12 month timeline :) - I was expecting the long haul but it seemed I had skipped the rough months, guess I was wrong .... will just keep live stock .. alive :)

if you didnt get it til month 4 you did good. unfortunately nature backhands us sometimes and gives us our punishment double for trying to outfox her. so i wouldnt be hard on yourself.

try to churn the sand bed. let that stuff seep in. do regular cleanings of the substrate of course. but let it proliferate.

i always noticed a difference every week by churning that sand bed and covering those slivers of our red treasures underneath.

for now. i am not sure if waterchanges would even work. it didnt for me. but hey, if you get risky, let us know what you did. i know of 1 guy who keeps amazing coral/colors and is fighting cyano as well and chemiclean didnt move his cyano. just happens sometimes.
Does anyone think lighting really affects cyano? I had put my Radeon's down to 30% but that's just irritating the corals.
