
seedless reefer

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Any reef veterans online right now?????

Linda has a problem with her tank and needs help!

Anyone knowledgable up and around and willing to call her????
I am not where I can call right now, but if you can post the problem maybe I can try to help....
Is this beyond my scope Loren?

I know it wouldn't take much......

Call if you want, she has my number
I went down to let the dogs out and to turn off the actinics in my tank. Noticed that the GBTA didn't look right -- usually the size of cantaloupe, it was now the size of a tangerine. Most of the tentacles looked like thin spaghetti with 4 or 5 that were very fat, about the size of a drinking straw.

Looking further into my tank I saw what I thought were signs of stress. Everything closed up as tightly as could be and long white streamers everywhere. Under actinics, most things are usually fairly open. The rock anemone looked like a ping-pong ball and an umbrella mushroom was inside-out and looked like it contained a cupful of white mush.

I know anemone's need superior water params, so I checked the PH and the salinity. Salinity = normal, but I misused the PH pen and thought I was getting a low reading of 7.4. In a panic, I added reef buffer and kept checking. Still low. But I didn't think you could overdose this stuff, so I added more.

Sure my tank was crashing, I woke Loren. Then I found out I wasn't using the PH pen right and when Loren tested it, it's extremely high. 8.7 - 8.9. BUT -- don't know now if the PH pen has lost calibration since I might have f'd it up. Dip sticks indicate high PH also and alk off the charts.

Now what? I don't know what else to do. I did a partial water change (15 gals from a 55 gal tank).

Some things are opening back up -- rock anenome is about the size of a quarter now and some 'shrooms are looking better. A few zoas re-opened.

I don't know if I should go to sleep on this and hope for the best, or try something else.

Is there a household remedy that can lower PH safely?


My tank was looking so pretty... now it's a disaster.
Probably ok, If anything, do another small water change, sometimes my reef inhabitants all close up at the same time, nothing new there......

Click Click...... Lets see what others are saying......
SuAsati;85261 wrote: Do you have a skimmer? How is the skimmer doing?

CPR Backpack seems to be running normal. Maybe I should add another skimmer? The one that's on there was on my 33 gal. I've moved the contents of my 33 into this 55 as a temp solution to crowding/bioload while I get my 90g up and running.

I think the CPR is rated for 75-100. I'll have to doublecheck.
If you can get the pH around 8.5 then go to bed and let it drop the rest of the way on it's own. If your alk is still above 15dkh then you may want to do a water change to bring it down a notch. I've heard that most livestock can survive a pH spike(up), it's the sudden drop that can really do some damage to the livestock.
A skimmer is a slow method to removing crap that might be irritating corals now.

Another partial water change if anything......

From the sounds of things, its sounds like they'd just been fed.....
Oh, don't forget to check your calcium tomorrow just incase there was a lost due to precipitation.
If the foam hasn't collapsed, then you can rule out and air bourne chemicals in the tank.... If the bta looks like it is expelling something brown/black stuff from its mouth it is normal behavior.... compare the pH between tanks to see the difference to rule out pH pen malfunction.... If you can do some waterchanges, you can maybe 10-20%,
check and make sure all pumps are working fine and hasn't broke or have leaks... This however would have shot your skimmer foam.... Make sure there are no stray voltages in the tank....
if you have all softies and the tank is well established you should be okay for the night....
Thanks, all!

This is probably just another newbie-panic episode. I've just heard so much about *nuked tanks* and tanks *crashing* that I thought the worst. I've never seen my tank full of *cobwebs* like that before and it freaked me out.

Another water change tomorrow and we'll go from there.

Yall are the best!
You may also want to add some carbon if you aren't using it already. Now you guys try to get some sleep.
Watch the tank over for a few days.... also, instead of relying on pH always test alk when in doubt, and regularly to keep track of where your tank stays.... that is the fastest depleting parameter and will give you a better idea about the stability of the tank...
ouling;85258 wrote: 404 372 7626 is the hotline to reach this reefer.

Thank you for the offer ~ you're a prince!

Honestly, when Loren said he was going upstairs to *see who is online*, I didn't know he was going to send out an S.O.S. He'd rather talk on the phone (because he types about 12 words per minute), but I'd rather solicit opinions here (I type a bit faster @ 102 w.p.m.) :D

Keeping your phone # close by though!

SuAsati;85278 wrote: Watch the tank over for a few days.... also, instead of relying on pH always test alk when in doubt, and regularly to keep track of where your tank stays.... that is the fastest depleting parameter and will give you a better idea about the stability of the tank...

What's the best test for alk?
I use lemotte, but any standard test like seachem, Sera or API should work if you just want to tract the changes, do not use the dip tests they are hard to read.