Hey fellas - couple ?'s


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1. My niger trigger has a parasite on him "a little worm and all around the worm is a whitish color. "Ouling" suggested raw shrimp with garlic or a cleaner shrimp. Do you have any other ideas.

2. I think i have a retarded tang - he swims in circles around a powerhead continuosly, he does this like 80% of the day is it normal ??

chris ...my purple tang did that for about 3 weeks after i put him in but its been 3 months now an he dont do it any more
Tangs do like to swim round n round. It does seem a bit odd but I would give him some time to establish his territory.

I would ask the dip master, Brandon, for some help. He is often running around in different areas of town and can walk you through the process.

Oh and cleaner shrimp are rarely a bad idea. You probably need to find the biggest one you can as you have some semi-aggressive fish if I remember correctly.
a fresh water dip sounds good, how long will the fish last in pure ro water?? Thats if i can catch him. Also i will look for a large cleaner shrimp.

The tang is a powder brown.

The trigger i have seems docile but i have only had him for a week and i have a pistol shrimp in the tank that he has not eaten and the shrimp is small.

On a side note i got rid of my puffer "should have done more research" he ate some zenia:(

Yah the puffer was the only really questionable one, they're definately not reef safe, but are such cool fish I understand the appeal. Niger's can be reef safe, but some individuals are not. Hopefully you'll get lucky on yours. Can you take a pic of the parasite on the niger for identification? It's always best to identify what you have and then use the appropriate treatment.
"Did I hear Dip?!??!" said the man coming out of the wood work in search of Rep points to catch back up to Cameron!

Yes, for better or worse, I have dipped many creatures and become somewhat good at it. I must say I have never dipped a trigger (other then in a butter and caper sauce with a nice glass of Pinot.) but I will be more then happy to give you a few tips and supplies.

Read here:
ich" but I need more info before I can say for sure. (plus your tang SHOULD have it before any other fish.) I was just fixing to do a Wiki about black spot so you might get the preview version if you are lucky enough. Anyways, I regress, if you want to dip read what I "wrote" and ask me any questions before you do it. The only thing I can say is, the dip, if done right, WILL be harder on YOU then the fish! ;)
wow xyz, thats a good article you wrote. But yes that would be a total pain in the *** to get all that stuff together ! What if i just filled up a small cooler with ro water and put him in there until the worm jumped off. I am at work now so i cant take a pic. Ouling was over today and he would know better than i and he said it was a worm?? Ill call the wife and see if i can get her to take a pic of the spot in question.
^^^ You're a member- you should be able to have 200

BTW, what's in that pipe of yours?
is hard to see but here it
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class="gc-images" title="fish 006.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:400px" /></a> is
What color is the worm? Do you see the worm move? I suspect the color change is due to the area of stress/wound and has no bearing on what is ailing the fish right now. My first guess of common "worms" is black spot..
hmm, well ouling said he saw a worm maybe it is not a worm, I thouhgt i saw a little worm thing maybe it wasnt ??? you think i should just monitor him for a week or so ??
It is a parasite, and I am extremely sure. Freshwater dip sometimes work, but mostly i see from small parasites such as ich and worms. metronidazole works pretty well for those kinda things.

You can always catch it and scrape it off with your nail.
Well, if it is Black spot, it usually is not a "killer" so little to worry about there. That is the good news!! The bad news is it does not seem like the things that people often mis-identify as black spot, melanin in cells etc.. Other bad news is: What is to worry about it the life cycle and the longer it has to breed the more complex the problem is to control. I would watch it for a day or two but take action soon. You know it is there, you know it is not going anywhere *unless it falls off to infect other fish and/or breed, so it needs to be addressed sooner then later. As a side note, if you catch it early enough, there have been reports of eradication without system wide treatment. I do not know how much I believe them but everyone knows I am the "treat first worry about it less" type of person.

I know it is going to be next to an act of god to get a picture of it close up but if you can it would go a long way... If not, try to look at it and paint a picture for me of what it is like. You can often see black spot moving on the fish if you can get close enough.