Pls note, I would like to state this once and for all. It would be very foolish of me to recommend the use of any none aquarium product for your reeftank. I did not start this thread nor do I condone any one risking their livestock on any undocumented proof or statement implied. Sorry, I don't want to hear "Well Todd and Simon said it would work and now its killed my tank".
I am trying to make it as clear as possible, that this is a risk. A risk that most people cannot take.
Speaking with other aquarium specialists, and chemists from around the country. I can confirm that not all chemicals are the same. Even if there marketing names are identical or even similar. If chemical processes differ then it could leave trace additives could be detrimental to your aquarium. So I am trying to say dont go out and buy another product even if it has the same name.
Now, with that said. The chemical I am using is basically Calcium Chloride. This alone is not enough for your aquarium to sustain aquatic life with skeleton growth. There are many other factors that need to be taken into consideration before simply thinking Calcium Chloride is the cure. Pls read Tom Wyatt's presentations on the mechanisim of Calcium absortion in Coral structures.
I personally use the biggest Calcium and Nilsen Reactors from MRC and I still struggle to maintain Calcium levels. My only option is to add Calcium Chloride on a daily basis. At six heaped tablespoons a day this rocks up to very expensive. So I searched for alternative which would be more cost effective.
My coral growth before using this product was excellent, but since using it, it's accelerated. At this moment I'd actually say thats a negative. I've had to trim back all my corals very aggressively to accommodate for the rapid growth. Fragging corals in my tank is not a pass time I like doing. The corals never look the same and was going for the full look anyway.
So would I recommend this to everyone, absolutely not. If you'd like to speak with me about this then contact me directly. I will help you out where I can.
Please do research before adding anything in your tank.