How long should it take for xenia to attach?


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My xenia frags (thanks kelloggreef) have been problem children.
I superglued them first; they ended up on the other side of the tank in a rock cave.

I rubberbanded them. They ended up in the same place.
I redid the rubberband job a little more securely. Same thing.

I superglued them again (being careful to dry first). Next afternoon? In the back corner of the other side.

Now I've glued them again, then wrapped the rock in bridal veil mesh.

How many days should I leave it wrapped before I can be pretty sure these little escape artists are there to stay?
it takes mine about a week. I just put them in a low flow area on some rubble and give them time. when I can pick up the xenia and some rubble comes with it it is done...

Mockery;324936 wrote: try using bridal/ribbon netting! Worked for me in the past

That's what I have it retained with now. Just wondering when to unwrap.
LMAO thats the same problem I had with some of my corals. Im gonna try again when I get some more frags. The pee cup worked the best for me. Take a pee cup and cut holes in it for flow add rubble rock turn upside down and PRESTO INSTANT FRAG ON PLUG(well really like a week), but it worked.
Just put something beside them and tell em you really like that rock and don't want it to grow on it. It will be attached in the morning.
That or keep patient with the bridal veil for a week. A really low flow area helps