how to kill a birdsnest


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ive dropped my birdnest lower and lowered the lighting to 35%. does my flow and lighting look ok?

i had other frags up top with my acro."></a>

(no im not trying to kill it... im looking for advice)
DawgFace;1039203 wrote: Raise or lower alk quickly, that'll do it.

hmmm interesting. i drop from 10 dkh to 8 durig the week and bump it back to 10 on the weekends. is that enough to kill it?
porpoiseaquatics;1039207 wrote: Are you wanting to kill it? If you don't want it any longer, why not just give it away?

no. im trying to keep it alive. i posted a video for reference just incase someone else had a pro tip or let me know im doing something wrong.
porpoiseaquatics;1039209 wrote: Got it. I misunderstood. Good luck! I can't seem to keep one alive either.

i get to the 8 day mark and then it RTNs on me
Very interesting thread.Might want to a canary to my tank.:eek:. (Birds nest )You know what i mean.LOL
Fishlips;1039226 wrote: Very interesting thread.Might want to a canary to my tank.:eek:. (Birds nest )You know what i mean.LOL

careful. if my nest hears your pun he may RTN early lol

barry_keith;1039222 wrote: Im with Jesse. I consider birdsnest to be canary corals. If something is out of wack, or there is a swing in chemistry, birdsnest will be the first SPS to show signs.

thanks for the sage advice. ill make sure to do things a bit slower
This is one wild forum.Canaries in tank,another talking about cat urine in the tank:lol2:.This crowd has got it going on.LOL
I don't understand what you're up to, the Birds nest in the video looks health to me....
what happens after 8 days? RTN, STN, color fade?
outdrsyguy1;1039236 wrote: I don't understand what you're up to, the Birds nest in the video looks health to me....
what happens after 8 days? RTN, STN, color fade?

tips turn white like they are growing but recede. 24 hours later polyps hide. next 12 hours the light brown turns dark brown (almost black), then the entire thing turns white with polyp blotches of dark brown. then white

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day 9

the polyp tissue around the polyps will fall next

carbon is in the fuge. water change tomorrow. everything else seems ok except the birdsnest
Russ-IV;1039204 wrote: hmmm interesting. i drop from 10 dkh to 8 durig the week and bump it back to 10 on the weekends. is that enough to kill it?


First, why do you do that?

Second, how fast do you chang from ups and downs. Guessing but based on what tour saying your alk is steadily depleted throughout the week. Due to which on the weekends you dose. Correct? If so your likely causing stress on the up by increasing too quickly. My birdanest hate, hate alk swings. Just lost a mini colony myself from an accidental overdose/mistep in programming a dosing pumps.
barry_keith;1039222 wrote: im with jesse. I consider birdsnest to be canary corals. If something is out of wack, or there is a swing in chemistry, birdsnest will be the first sps to show signs.

DawgFace;1039247 wrote: Yes!

First, why do you do that?

Second, how fast do you chang from ups and downs. Guessing but based on what tour saying your alk is steadily depleted throughout the week. Due to which on the weekends you dose. Correct? If so your likely causing stress on the up by increasing too quickly. My birdanest hate, hate alk swings. Just lost a mini colony myself from an accidental overdose/mistep in programming a dosing pumps.

tbh. i didnt think a change from 8-10 was a big dose. i guess if birdsnest are that sensitive ill be a bit more proactive during the week. i do all maintenance durig the weekend.

could also coincide with the 8 day thing.
couple of brs dosers would really make your life easy for very little money, and a timer to run them of course. going from 8 to 10 in a day is definitely going to kill fuzzy sticks. Usually it burns the tips which may be the turning white you're referring to.
outdrsyguy1;1039250 wrote: couple of brs dosers would really make your life easy for very little money, and a timer to run them of course. going from 8 to 10 in a day is definitely going to kill fuzzy sticks. Usually it burns the tips which may be the turning white you're referring to.

i was actually going to go apex shortly. no cheap stuff on this build. (well except my dsuny lights that were close to 1k).
guess i know what to get next.

honestly, didnt know 2 dkh would spaz out a birdsnest as everything else seemed to do fine.
DawgFace;1039247 wrote: Yes!

First, why do you do that?

missed this one.

why do you think i bump alk? should i get indepth with ion count, depletion and how orp theory was even brought in to the hobby?

these kind of snarky questions are not productive at all.
I don't believe Jesse was being snarky with the comment and I don't mean t come off like a jerk but with this statement...

"In depth with ion count, depletion and how or theory was brought in"...I am surprised you didn't know a 25% Alk swing in a single dose was detrimental?
This whole post is confusing me. The thread is titled how to kill a birds nest. Then you say you want to keep it alive. If you were joking it wasn't clear.