HR 669 Banning All Non Native Animals

yeah, the way it is written, it would become very cumbersome to get animals on the "approved" list. I believe (as I stated before), that we need a bill "like" that, but this one needs a lot of retooling.

after further review, I agree with Jen on this current bill. The idea behind it is good, but that's not how it has come to be.
Side Note: To the mods, is it possible to merge all the threads concerning HR669? Every day or two somebody starts a new thread, and it would be good to put them all in one place if at all possible...

I just received this via an industry contact via email. I have not yet verified its authenticity - not sure that I *can* exactly but it came from a trusted source.

admin Phone Calls 2009-04-22
Just got off the phone with Representative Kildees office. Representative Kildee is a co-sponsor of HR 669 as well as a member of the Subcommittee on Insular Affairs, Oceans & Wildlife. The staffer said that Rep Kildee is rethinking his position based on the volume of phone calls his office is receiving that are opposed to HR 669.
A staffer in another of the Representatives offices said that they had gotten more phone calls about HR 669 than the Economic Stimulus bill!!!
Here is a list of all 23 Subcommittee Members that is all over the internet … we’ve added the latest information that we have about where they stand and feedback from our callers around the country. The accounts in red are third party information that may or may not be 100% accurate … but if we heard the same thing from 5 or more people about a call with a Representatives office, we felt that it would be ok to share.
Keep calling! Today and tomorrow morning too! The hearing is at 10AM EST, you can call right up to the hearing!
Remember, PLEASE be polite and PLEASE be respectful. Don’t be afraid to ask how many calls they’ve gotten or where the Representative stands on the issue, you are allowed. Do not forget to thank them for their time when you’re done.
Great job everyone, keep it up!
Madeleine Z. Bordallo (Ch)(NP-Guam)
202/225-1188 - Sponsor of the Bill, For it, Staffers telling people that they are over reacting and that their pets will be safe

Neil Abercrombie (D-HI)
202/225-2726 - Co-Sponsor of the Bill, For it, One staffer told me personally that “it’s going to pass”
Henry Brown (R-SC)
202/225-3176 - Opposes the bill, most vocal opposition on the subcommittee, USARK did a great job with Rep Brown!!

Lois Capps (D-CA)
202/225-3601 - Undecided at this time
William Cassidy (R-LA)
202/225-3901 - Undecided at this time (we need to keep calling and asking for his help!!!)
Jason Chaffetz (R-UT)
202/225-7751 - Strongly opposed!!!

Donna M. Christensen (NP-Virgin Islands)
202/225-1790 - Undecided at this time
Diana L. DeGette (D-CO)
202/225-4431 - Undecided at this time
Eni F.H. Faleomavaega (NP – American Samoa)
202/225-8577 - Undecided at this time
Jeff Flake (R-AZ)
202/225-2635 - Likely to oppose
John Fleming (R-LA)
202/225-2777 - Undecided at this time
Doc Hastings (R-WA)
202/225-5816 - Undecided at this time
Dale E. Kildee (D-MI)
202/225-3611 - Co-Sponsor of the Bill, was For it but due to the volume of calls in opposition is “re-thinking” his position. GET ON HIM!! This can make a huge difference!!!
Ronald James Kind (D-WI)
202/225-5506 - Co-Sponsor, For it
Frank M. Kratovil, Jr. (D-MD)
202/225-5311 - Undecided at this time, Spoke to Legislative staffers and they are very interested in the businesses that would be hurt and why there is such strong opposition.
Douglas L. Lamborn (R-CO)
202/225-4422 - Undecided at this time
Frank J. Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
202/225-4671 - For it
Pedro R. Pierluisi (NP-Puerto Rico)
202/225-2615 - Undecided at this time
Nick Joe Rahall, II (D-WV)
202/225-3452 - Undecided at this time
Gregorio Sablan (I- Mariana Islands)
202/225-2646 - Co-Sponsor, For it
Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH)
202/225-5456 - Undecided at this time. Reports that staffers seem agitated by calls.
Robert J. Wittman (R-VA)
202/225-4261 - Opposed
Donald E. Young (R-AK)
202/225-5765 - Undecided at this time
I just posted an update in another thread:"></a>

If there's a mod reading - if there is a way to merge all the threads concerning this potential legislation, it might be easier to keep all the info in one place.

If posters wish to comment, perhaps comments in the linked thread might help keep everything together.

They are having a committee meeting tomorrow at 10am. Check
well i have the leopard gecko's on lock down so if it does go threw then i guess my bussiness will be looking on the up side ha....bootleggin geckos....not that i want it to just pokin at it
Good. Marshall Meyers will be there from PIJAC. PIJAC is vehemently opposed to this bill. I don't know about the others on the list.

I wish I had working speakers here at the shop (I have speakers, they used to work - dunno why they don't now!) I wish I could listen... :(

THANKS for posting that link - I may "watch" if I can.. or maybe I need to tinker with the speakers some more...

That seems to happen every year (non-native fish in Allatoona or Lanier). MORONS buy cute tiny Pacu/Oscars/whatever for their 10g tank and are at a loss what to do with them when they outgrow so they think they are doing a good thing by "setting them free".

I've told countless braggarts over the years, that what they did was not only foolish, but highly ILLEGAL. That's the reason that a proposed bill like this comes around - because one irresponsible IDIOT whose stupid move makes the news - or worse, screws up a local ecosystem (can you say: Snakeheads) makes all hobbyists look like eco-terrorists :(

I really hope this does NOT pass. That list I passed on was not complete but if you look there are quite a number of "in favor" and a lot of "undecided"... that does not bode well.

We all need to take this thing seriously - but at this late hour, the time has likely come and gone to take action - I did my part, as I know many others have. Let's hope enough of us got through to make a difference.

I just checked the site and the article I posted which I got via email is also on that site - so I guess it's been verified.

LorenK;332639 wrote: I think I merged most of them. Good suggestion.

I'm good for a decent idea about once a month! I guess I was due!

Reminder: The meeting on this takes place this morning at 10:00 EDT. There is still time to phone your representative if you have not contacted him/her already.

The meeting will be webcast via the link Mockery posted a few posts up.

Let's hope this one ends after this meeting!

I've contacted my bird breeding acquaintances, they are to have folks in Reps' offices in DC all morning trying to sway the vote to oppose this bill.

Jen, I want to thank you for bringing this up, Without your posting I would not have known, and been able to pass this on to other parrot breeders across the US.
Believe it or not, the parrot and bird industry did NOT have a clue this was happening until I passed on the info.
I hope we can count this one as DOA...
Well I wasn't the only one who brought it up - there were several threads by several folks (mods merged 'em).

It's been big buzz in the fish industry but it seemed a bit slow to get around the rest of the trade. Marine Ornamental trade has had to deal with so many legislative attempts to shut it down, we're tuned, I guess.

If you check the blog on - please note that this bill may not only live or die today - it may "live" to be "modified".

There are 3 possible outcomes...

It passes

It does not pass

It gets tabled and amended - so it's still got another possible life to it. If it's amended, there are bound to be some changes that "we" are OK with, and some that "we" aren't OK with...

So it may not be over today - in an hour the meeting starts - we'll see where it goes from there.

I'm still fighting with my speakers to try to get them to work... reinstalling drivers and other junk... technology is great when it works :( Now my computer won't even "beep" (no speakers to beep... but now that's gone too).


I'm "watching" too - but with no speakers it's no good. 2 sets of speakers, reinstalled drivers and all that good stuff, now I have less sound than before - darned thing doesn't even beep anymore :(

check you sound make sure NOTHING is muted and all is turned up... let me know. send me a PM too and I can help you get it going hopefully
Whats going on with the broadcast? It says it is not available anymore!?
I had it on video until a few minutes ago - then either the connection died, or it ended - not sure which.
